The Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province held a mobilization meeting of Zunyi City Commercial Housing Group Purchase on November 15th.Lie "" thinking.The current real estate market is in a downturn, but the real estate market is periodic, and the downturn period will also be the beginning of the recovery period. Development companies should dare to take out good housing to further promote and promote the stable and healthy development of real estate in the city.

According to the WeChat public account of the Real Estate Industry Association of Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, a total of 18 developing companies participated in the above -mentioned mobilization meeting.Chen Qingsong analyzed when mobilizing speeches, pointing out that Zunyi Real Estate Market currently faces issues such as destocking, but there are still citizens' rigid demand for housing and the demand for improving and improving housing.Healthy development and group purchase activities will be introduced to a series of support policies such as provident fund loans and consumer coupons.

He said that the commodity housing group purchase activity model sponsored by the Municipal Real Estate Association and relevant units this time is not only a market -oriented behavior, a lot of group purchase discounts, and guiding and policy support in administrative aspects.Confidence promotes group purchase activities and actively participate in this activity.

Chen Qingsong also pointed out that developing enterprises must eliminate "lying" thinking.The current real estate market is in the downturn, but the real estate market is periodic, and the downturn period will also be the beginning of the recovery period. At this time, it is necessary to boost confidence and seize the ten ten of the current central banks and the China Banking Regulatory Commission to support the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.Sixteen hard core measures and other opportunities, development companies should dare to take out good housing sources, allow citizens participating in group purchase to buy satisfactory housing, so that citizens can be affordable, further promoting and promoting the stable and healthy development of real estate in the city.

According to the information released by the Zunyi Real Estate Association, from late November to the end of 2023, all 5 and 5 citizens who buy house purchase demand to buy houses are group purchase.During the event, buying a house at a group purchase price, enjoying 5%to 20%discount price discounts at the event.Personal housing loans in different places in the province of housing provident fund province will deposit the provident fund normally in other places. If I or their spouses have Zunyi household registration, they can apply for a provident fund loan.

Buy a second set of self -housing for provident fund loans, with a minimum down payment of only 20%.For business loan workers who meet the conditions of interest, Zunyi Housing Provident Fund Management Center will provide interest subsidies.In order to ensure the quality of participating in the listing of commodity housing group purchase activities, the real estate that enters the group purchase of the group is independently registered by the developing enterprise. The Zunyi Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Bureau and the Municipal Real Estate Association are qualified.The procedures are complete and obtained the pre -sale permit for commercial housing. The current project construction is promoted normally and can be delivered on time.At the same time, the development enterprise participating in group purchase also promised to buy the group purchase price of each real estate uniformly. The preferential price is lower than the non -group purchase customers, and the discount price of the usual promotional activities is lower.

On October 10 this year, Guizhou Province first introduced the policy of buying a housing policy at the provincial level -Guizhou Province promoted the resumption of work and resumption of the city to promote economic recovery and boosting action plan.Among them, in terms of promoting the healthy development of the real estate market, strictly implement the "first floor and one strategy" disposal plan, make every effort to strive for support for special real estate borrowing, and promote the construction of residential projects that have been sold, overdue and difficult to deliver.At the same time, the housing provident fund phased support policies with greater efforts have been implemented, the optimization and implementation of policies that have been introduced have been strengthened, and consumption of house purchase is strongly guided.Encourage the employees of institutions and enterprises and institutions to carry out commodity housing group purchase, and the preferential price of group purchase is not included in the proportion of the decline in the record price of commercial housing.