The US Treasury Secretary Yellen on Wednesday (November 16) will talk to the President of the Bank of China Yi Gang during the Twenty Group (G20) summit in Bali, Indonesia.Yellen expects that the talks can make her more new opinions on Chinese policy plans, thereby promoting more economic contact between the two countries.

According to Reuters, Yellen and US financial officials said they would seek a clear plan for the Chinese -relaxing crown disease prevention blockade at the meeting, because these seal control measures curbed China's economic growth, andIt also led to the interruption of global supply chain.In addition, they also want to understand how the Chinese government will solve the problems facing China's domestic real estate market.

U.S. financial officials revealed that Yellen will discuss the inflation problems and economic growth prospects with Yi Gang, but about the US monetary policy and planning, Yelun is ready to leave this issue in the discussion with the Federal Reserve.Essence

This is the first time after the US President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping held a historic meeting on Monday (14th), Yellen met with Chinese economic officials for the first time.Yellen will also meet with the new economic minister of Italy on the same day.

After the former US President Trump levied tariffs on imported goods worth hundreds of billions of dollars per year, the intense economic and trade relations between Washington and Beijing were lingering.

Yellen publicly suggested earlier this year that Washington should cancel the tariffs on some non -strategic commodities in China to solve the problem of high domestic inflation in the United States, but the Bayeng government has not taken action.US trade representative Daiqi is currently a legal review of whether it has continued to levy tariffs.