The epidemic of crown diseases across China continued to heat up. On Wednesday (November 2), new cases exceeded 3,000 people. Many places implemented a silent management and control of semi -sealed cities, and it was difficult to seek medical treatment again.A 3 -year -old boy in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, was suspected of being blocked by the community's epidemic prevention after the gas poisoning. He missed the best rescue time and died, causing online public opinion uproar.

The official Thursday (November 3) reported the results of the accident investigation, and acknowledged that units and cadres with poor exposure and rescue mechanism during the handling of the accident, the ability of emergency response was not strong, and rigid and stereotyped at work will be dealt with seriously.

The scholars of the interviewees evaluated that although the Chinese Qing zero policy has been implemented for nearly three years, the "one -size -fits -all" of the epidemic prevention has repeatedly criminals. The latest incident shows that the level of local government management is still very low.The people of grassroots people are miserable, and they have also weakened the officialness of the official on the grounds of "life first".

China has a total number of new infections on October 24, and the number of cases continues to rise afterwards. After the number of cases continued to increase, 531 local cases and 2669 asymptomatic infections were added on Wednesday (November 2).The China National Health and Health Commission held a meeting on Wednesday to continue to ask for "unwavering" to adhere to the dynamic and zero total policy, and control the emergencies with the "minimum range, minimum time, minimum cost".

Many places continue to strictly prevent epidemic prevention and implement the "Silent Management of the Global."Among them, Zhengzhou Airlines Port District, where Apple mobile phone factory is located in the world, will implement seven -day silence management from noon on Wednesday; some areas of Tianjin Binhai New District have also implemented three days of silence management from Wednesday.

Boycar carbon monoxide poisoning suspicious epidemic prevention delay sent to medical treatment

A 3 -year -old boy in Qilihe District, Lanzhou City occurred on Tuesday. After carbon monoxide poisoning, he was suspected of being unfortunately died due to the hindrance of the epidemic prevention.Lanzhou's outbreak of the epidemic in July this year, the city has been temporarily controlled for a week, and then the epidemic is intermittent. The Qilihe District where the boy's family is located is one of the hardest hit areas, and multiple communities are in a state of control for a long time.

Boys' proper father, the father of his father, sent online and restored to the hospital on Wednesday afternoon, saying that he found his wife and the child in a coma at noon the day before yesterday.Not arrived.

The boy's father also went out to ask for help from the community, but the community staff did not communicate with "to report to the leadership", and did not agree to send the patient to the hospital with a bus.After the help of the neighbors, the family broke out of the community with the help of the neighbors, but the boy died because of delaying more than two hours of rescue time.

Lanzhou official on Thursday reported the results of the investigation, showing that from the boy's father to dial the 120 emergency telephone to the emergency center, it took nearly 1 and a half hours to order to send an ambulance to the emergency center.In addition, the urban management team members of Qilihe District did not reach out to the boy's father. The police officer also intercepted the boy's father to take the child to the hospital by taxi.

The report stated that it will seriously deal with the exposure of the accident, teach the teachings of pain, promise to improve the grass -roots governance capacity, and prevent such accidents.

Scholars: Slowly emergency services have not placed life first

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, was evaluated in an interview with the United Morning Post.Still doing more formalism ... no humans. "

Zhu Tianshu, Secretary of the Lanzhou Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, emphasized that when inspecting epidemic prevention work on Tuesday, the community's prevention and control is resolutely prevent simplification and one -size -fits -all to prevent hard work and indifferent attitude.

In mid -October this year, a 14 -year -old girl in Ruzhou, Henan was separated during the isolated treatment.

Tan Gangqiang, director of the Chongqing Concord Psychological Consultant Office, said in an interview that the epidemic prevention continued to appear, mainly because "the rule of law was not in place."

He believes that epidemic prevention still needs to return to the rules of the rule of law in order to avoid the differences in prevention of epidemic prevention in various places.

Tang Renwu analyzed that some places still continue to increase the epidemic prevention in formalism in some places, making many grass -roots people "miserable".Many local officials are also not guaranteed because they are worried about poor epidemic prevention. They choose "excessive response" and ((rather) to kill thousands of people. Do not let one. "

He also believes that local investigation reports are more intended to calm people's indignation. At present, the disadvantages of grass -roots epidemic prevention are actually "accumulated and difficult to return". The people -oriented concept basically has not yet deeply rooted the hearts of people, indicating that there are still a lot of work to do grassroots governance.