Liu Liu

News World

The 22 -year -old Zhejiang guy Ma Hongda Monday (October 24) in the Bordeaux 2022 World Skills Competition "Plasma and Wall System Project" in France won one fareEssenceMa Hongda said in an emotion after the game that he had never thought that "scraping putty" could still embark on the world stage.

The so -called "SKIM Coat" is to scrape the putty on the wall to ensure the flat wall. In this world -class game, this craftsmanship commonly used in indoor decoration has a more stringent craftsmanship.Standard: The deviation must not exceed one millimeter. At the same time, it is necessary to test the skills and aesthetics of the use of plaster technology on a blank wall.

Ma Hongda, who became famous with the "scraping putty" battle, became the target of the Chinese media. Many official media praised his craftsmanship and sighed "the champion".

The People's Daily on Wednesday (October 26) published a comment article on the title of "Learn a good skill and achieve the dream of life".After the participation of Ma Hongda, he praised him as "adhering to the spirit of craftsmen in ordinary posts"; the Economic Daily also called Madida as an example to call for "cultivating more great artisans" in the example.

In a praise of public opinion, some netizens questioned.What is the significance of this award? "Tell more young people to graduate to scrape the putty after graduation?" Some people said, "It's useless, the construction site can only be given 350 yuan (RMB, about 70 yuan) for one day", ridiculousThis craft lives to the real world is just a dirty work with low compensation and not many people willing to do.

Guangming Daily's specially published a comment article saying that these words were "difficult to enter, but it is worthy of repetition."The article frankly stated that many factors have prompted the attention of brainpower labor and contempt for physical labor to solidify in the minds of the public.

Ma Hongda, who was studying at Zhejiang Construction Technician College, said in recalling his choice that during the high school entrance examination, he listened to his father's suggestion and learned a craft, but at the same time, he did not deny that he had unsatisfactory reality at that time.And this is also in line with the general view of most Chinese people in "vocational schools", that is, vocational education is "low -level education" and is a last resort to choose from poor people.

China is experiencing economic transformation and adjustment of the industrial structure. In recent years, the official has vigorously advocated the "general positions and the same weight". This year, it also repaired the "Vocational Education Law" for the first time this year. It is expected to train a group of high -quality technical artisans.

However, due to the influence of traditional concepts and social reality, the Chinese people's concepts of "low -priced" in vocational schools are still ingrained, and "universal jobs and emphasis" have encountered heat and cold.

According to the report released by the Ministry of Education of China this year, secondary vocational school enrollment last year accounted for only 35%of the total number of education enrollment in high school, which is far from reaching the "five -five points", and the gap between social technology employment is still increasing year by year, manufacturing manufacturing, manufacturingThe industry encountered "labor shortage".

When the implementation of the "universal job and the same weight" is obstructive, the appearance of Ma Hongda is tantamount to a strong needle, which allows the official media to make him as a typical publicity.In fact, in this World Skills Competition, other Chinese players also won the gold medal in CNC cars and CNC milling projects, but maybe "scraping putty" can show the spirit of the "big country craftsman".Public opinion.

The new report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly states that it is necessary to accelerate the construction of national strategic talents and strive to cultivate more masters, which includes strategic scientists, outstanding engineers, artisans, and high -skilled talents.To achieve this goal, we must first remove the prejudice against "vocational education". It is difficult to achieve only one Momo Hongda. As the Guangmingwang article said, if the system can not truly increase the income level and social status of skill talents through the system, build skills types to build skills typesThe foundation of society is difficult to consolidate.