The penetration rate of rural sanitary toilets in China reaches 77.5%, and the governance rate of rural domestic sewage is about 28%.

According to the China News Agency, Friday (October 28) shall be submitted to the report of the enforcement inspection team of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on Friday (October 28).") It shows that China has completed a total of 197,000 administrative villages environmental improvement, 95%of the villages have carried out cleaning operations, and the proportion of natural villages for rural domestic garbage for recovery and transportation has stabilized by more than 90%.The governance rate of domestic sewage is about 28%.

China's fertilizer and pesticides have maintained a decline in six consecutive years. The utilization rates of fertilizers and pesticides increased to 40.2%and 40.6%, respectively, and the recovery rate of pesticide packaging waste reached 58.6%.

According to the report, as of June this year, a total of 140 advantageous and characteristic industrial clusters, 250 national modern agricultural industrial parks, 300 national rural industrial integration development demonstration parks were built across the country.Key villages, 100 key rural tourism towns (towns), 1,442 Chinese beautiful leisure villages.

In terms of food supply safety, the report shows that in 2021, the total food output of the country was 1365.7 billion kilograms, and the output of pork, cattle, sheep and poultry was 88.87 million tons.There were more than 900 million acres of high -standard farmland in the country, and the coverage rate of crop varieties reached 96%.The national agricultural science and technology progress contribution rate reached 61.5%, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of wheat, corn, and rice reached 97%, 90%, and 85%, respectively.

Promoting the common prosperity of the countryside, the report shows that the per capita disposable income of rural residents across the country has increased from 13,432 yuan in 2017At 8931 yuan, the per capita net income of the national poverty alleviation population in 2021 was 6.4 percentage points higher than the per capita disposable income of rural residents.

Regarding the next work arrangement, the report states that it will further consolidate the foundation of national food security guarantee, promote the high -quality development of rural industries, promote common prosperity of rural farmers, increase rural ecological environmental protection, improve rural revitalizationInstitutional mechanism and policy system.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress reviewed and approved the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China on April 29, 2021, and will be implemented on June 1, 2021.