25-year-old girls spent spent to escape the big city and spent it spent to escape the big city.15,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 2920) bought a 46 -square -meter house in the full amount of Hegang, and since then lived a happy life ...

This fairy tale storyThe plot allows Hegang to brush the northeast cities on the northeast side to brush the list of hot search in China again. Hegang also instantly became the "peach blossom source" in the hearts of many young Chinese people.What attracts attention is the "cabbage price" house that can be bought at the price of a luxury brand bag.

Rise of Hegang mythology

Fairy tales originated from a report from Star Video on October 19.The 25 -year -old woman named Zhao was a painter who rented a house in Nanjing before going to Hegang.However, she felt that the pressure to work in Nanjing was too much, so after learning about the low cost of living in Hegang, she decided to buy a house and An Family.

She bought a 46 -square -meter house in Hegang for the full model of 15,000 yuan, and it took less than 50,000 yuan to decorate the whole house.What surprised her most was that she only spent 1,000 yuan, and she asked for a nanny, so that she had to face housework without working for a day.

She said that she only needs a table and a computer to work without having a good environment.Compared to the price of a house of 15,000 yuan for Hegang, the rent of Nanjing made her feel heavy.

The Zhao Xing womanIt was said that the choice of Hegang was because of stress and wanted to lie down, but after coming to Hegang, he accidentally opened a happy life.(Video screenshot)

She said that she is a person who likes to live alone and comes to Hegang's pressure to deal with interpersonal communication.It turned out that he chose Hegang because of stress and wanted to live a flat life, but unexpectedly opened a happy life."The sky here is blue, the scenery is very good, and the life is very convenient. There are hospitals, supermarkets, schools downstairs, and the supporting facilities are very complete." Taxi, water and electricity costs, food fees, etc., there are more than 3,000 yuan a month. "There is no crisis of mortgages, and there is no need to face housework for a day. "The quality of life has been greatly improved.

Another "post -90s" Xiaohao bought a 70 -square -meter house with 40,000 yuan and moved to Hangzhou from Hangzhou with his girlfriend.He said that the current work is mainly online and more free.Although the income decreased by half, the happiness index of his and his girlfriend did not decrease. Not only did they not have the sense of oppression of big cities, but the slowing rhythm could also experience life better.

He said, "Many people think I bought a house, including myself, but I gradually discovered that I also bought another new lifestyle.The suite opened a blind box in life. "

The post-90s Xiaohao said that there is no anxiety for rent today, and I feel that I find "poetry and freedom".(Video screenshots)

There are many stories similar to Xiao Zhao and Xiaohao, and there are many similarities, including: extremely low house prices, slow life rhythm, forgetting the inside of the past big cities,Live a leisurely life.It seems that as long as you move to Hegang, these elements of life can be available, and naturally it also attracts the attention of many Chinese netizens.

As of Friday (October 28), "After the 90s girls 15,000 yuan in Hegang buy a house to settle", "Hangzhou boys 40,000 yuan move to Hegang" and other topics of Hegang have exceeded 10100 million times.

Many netizens have blessed and envious of the lives of the two people's descriptions, and were moved by Hegang's "cabbage price" house.Many netizens are eager to try, considering the official move to Hegang, "escape from big cities and go to Hegang to find freedom."

For a while, Hegang suddenly linked to the labels such as "Peach Blossom Source", "Mental Habitat", "Friendly Livable", etc., which caused a wave of moving to buy a house.Hegang's official Thursday (October 27) also responded that there were many recent consultations for consulting, but local house prices were not as low as on the Internet.

However, some netizens questioned that Hegang is not so good that the above -mentioned "fairy tale" says that in addition to cheap house prices, local development, climate, and employment issues may not necessarily meet the "friendly and livable"The standards should not be blindly followed by online media.

Some netizens believe that before considering whether to move to Hegang, there are several questions to evaluate themselves in advance: first, whether they have the conditions to move to Hegang;Suitable for yourself; in your long -term life plan, whether you move to Hegang a feasible option.

The starting point of the myth of Hegang

The rise of "Hegang Myth" cannot be removed from the Internet.an article.

In November 2019, Baidu Post Bar last wandered to Hegang. I spent 50,000 yuan to buy a suite article.It spent 50,000 yuan to buy a house in Hegang.This article instantly made Hegang's low house prices burst into fire.

Since then, "buying a house for 10,000 yuan" has become the traffic password of Hegang. Whenever someone boasts that when buying a house with tens of thousands of yuan, countless netizens will definitely attract attention.

But in fact, the cheap house prices of Hegang are also a symbol of the city from the rise to decline.

Hegang is one of the four major coal cities in Heilongjiang Province. It is at the northernmost tip of Heilongjiang Province with a total area of 15,000 square kilometers.Because it is a resource -based city, Hegang is born of coal and flooded by coal, but it is also trapped by coal.After years of development, Hegang was included in the list of the third batch of 25 resource -exhausted cities by the Chinese government in 2011.

After 2010, as followWith the exhaustion of coal resources, the Chinese government has gradually replaced other energy sources, the Hegang economy has begun to go downhill, and the population has gradually lost.(Internet)

After that, young people in Hegang began to flow out, and the local resident population continued to decrease.According to data from Heilongjiang Provincial Bureau of Statistics, in 2020 Hegang City's permanent population is about 891,000, compared with the sixth census in 2010, a decrease of approximately 167,000 and a decrease of 15.81 %.

The population has continued to decrease, and the renovation of Hegang sheds brought a large amount of house supply. The situation of over -demanding local commercial housing sales has been significantly reduced from 2016.According to the statistics of the statistics of Hegang City, the sales area of Hegang commercial housing in 2016 plummeted by 43.4 %, and the decline in 2018 reduced to 9.8 %.

According to the statistics of the 58 Anju House House Research Institute, the average price of new houses in Hegang is about 3,100 yuan per square meter.The data of "House Buying Houses" shows that the average price of commercial housing in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen in first -tier cities in China is more than 50,000 yuan per square meter. Although the average price of commercial housing in Guangzhou is low, it is also 30,000 yuan per square meter.superior.In contrast, it is not difficult to understand why Hegang's house is described as "cabbage price".

The conflict between "Peach Blossom Source" and reality

However, some media interviewed several young people who moved from Hegang from large cities and remote office. They all said that it was not imagined to move to Hegang.It is so simple. It is one thing to spend money to buy a house, but the real challenge is still behind.

Some people cannot endure the extremely cold climate in the Northeast, and some people cannot adapt to the inconvenience of life in small cities.More importantly, these people who moved from each other were not enough to form a new community with a certain scale, and then changed a city.

According to the statistics of the statistics of Hegang, even if the low house prices of Hegang have repeatedly come out, the sales area of Hegang's commercial housing has not risen sharply.%, The increase in 2021 increased slightly to 21 %.

Therefore, envy and envy, in reality, the people who really put it in action are still limited.Although many young people are heartbroken to Hegang, they are also very clear. After all, this is just a short -lived "peach blossom source". When he wakes up, he still has to bite his teeth and continue to struggle in the disturbing big city.

Perhaps, as a myth or fairy tales, Hegang is actually just a direct projection that many people desire in their hearts, reflecting the hustle and bustle of young people to temporarily escape the hustle and bustle of urban life, and their low house prices and low.Live, high -quality and free life.