Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations in the United Nations, spoke on Thursday (27th) in the Security Council to review Ukrainian biological safety issues that China resolutely oppose any country to develop, store or use biological weapons under any circumstances.

According to the, the Director and Deputy Senior Representative of the United Nations Affairs Affairs Affairs Adeji Ebo made a notice at the meeting on the same day.Ebo said that Russia filed a formal appeal on the allegations of the Biological Weapon Plan in Ukraine in accordance with Article 6 of the Biological Weapon Convention.As the senior representative of Zhong Manquan said before, the Security Council did not know that there were such biological weapons plans.At present, the United Nations has neither authorization nor technical or business capabilities to investigate the information.Relevant regulations have not provided any guidelines for the type of survey that the Security Council may start.If the Security Council launches an investigation, the UN Lores Forces Affairs is willing to provide support.

Geng Shuang said that biological military activities are related to international peace and security, and the common interests of all human beings.China was deeply killed by biological weapons during World War II. It has always advocated that it is fully banned and completely destroyed all large -scale lethal weapons, including biological weapons, and resolutely oppose any country to develop, store or use biological weapons under any circumstances.All contractors should strictly abide by the goals and principles of prohibiting the ban on biological weapons.

Geng Shuang said that the information clues about biological military activities announced by Russia should be targeted with relevant parties.China has called on relevant parties to adopt a responsible attitude to effectively fulfill the obligations of the ban on the contract between the Biological Weapon Convention, and make a comprehensive and in -depth clarification of a series of issues raised by the Russian side.At the request of Russia, a formal negotiation meeting was held in September this year.It is regrettable that the relevant parties have not made full answers and clarifications on Russia's questions.The international community can consider using the relevant arrangements of Article 6 of the Convention to promote the problem.

Geng Shuang said that establishing an inspection mechanism is a necessary means to ensure the authority and effectiveness of various treaties in the field of disarmament and military control. It is forbidden to be an exception and blank space for biological weapons.China once again called on all parties to go for each other. Take the ninth review conference that is about to be held at the end of November as an opportunity to further strengthen the establishment of a trust measures for establishing a trust measures, and the negotiation of the verification and negotiation of the verification of more than 20 years to promote the establishment of a multilateral inspection mechanism.Effectively improve the level of global biological safety.

Geng Shuang said that the Chinese position is consistent and clear about the Ukrainian issue itself.China always looks forward to achieving a ceasefire and stop war at an early date to prevent a large -scale humanitarian crisis; it always calls on the parties to maintain a calm restraint to avoid continuing the situation and expansion of the situation; always advocate the dialogue negotiations to achieve the political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.Ukraine conflicts have long -term, expanded, and complicated do not meet the interests of any party.The international community should strengthen the sense of urgency, increase the efforts of mediation, and promote Russia and Ukraine to restart negotiations as soon as possible to accumulate political conditions for peace.China is willing to play a constructive role with the international community.