The People's Daily of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has published a comment article on Wednesday (October 12), which is also published in a comments on the signature "Zhongyin", emphasizing that "lying down" is not advisable, and it is impossible for "lying to win".This is also the third consecutive day of the newspaper to emphasize the dynamic clearance.

The People's Daily said in the latest comment article that the current global epidemic is still popular, and the virus is still mutating.Only by dynamic clearance can we avoid losses to the greatest extent.

The article emphasizes that the vaccination rate has not yet formed a barrier to resist severe and death.Once the epidemic prevention and control are relaxed, a large number of people will be infected in the short term, a large number of severe and death cases will occur, causing medical resources to be crowded, so that normal medical service needs will not be resolved, and a vicious circle will be formed.From a practical point of view, it is precisely because of adhering to dynamic clearance that it protects the safety and health of the people's lives to the greatest extent.Practice fully proves that dynamic clearing zero is in line with national conditions, science, and effective, and adherence to dynamic clearance is the essence of dynamic clearing zero is to adhere to the people's supremacy and life supremacy.

The article takes Japan and the United States as an example. It is said that "lying down" has no way out, and the consequences of negative epidemic prevention are serious."Lying flat" increased the risk of new mutant strains.There are uncertainty of the mutation and evolution of coronal virus. The more cases infected, the more opportunities for virus variation.Relax prevention and control will greatly increase the risk of virus mutation, and after the emergence of new mutant strains may bring new spread risks and infection threats.Recently, China has detected many BF.7 mutant plants, which is faster than the previous virus transmission, strong infectious power, and shorter interval, which can easily cause large -scale spread.This warn everyone that we must not shaken the general policy of "dynamic clearing zero", do not relax and grasp the normalized epidemic prevention and control, and firmly adhere to the bottom line that does not have a large -scale epidemic.

The article also said that some countries choose "lying flat" and adopt a "coexistence with the virus" policy. It is not because they do not want to prevent and control the epidemic, but they cannot prevent control or have the ability to prevent control.After a variety of attempts, these countries cannot find an ideal control of the new crown epidemic, and they simply choose "lying down". This is precisely because the epidemic has not been able to control the epidemic in a timely manner in the early stage, and it has lost the chance of dynamic clearing.Once the infection and death toll rises sharply, the prevention and control strategy is often tightened.

The article finally appealed to the work of the spirit of the time not to do it.Increasing the level of scientific and precise prevention and control, the maximum prevention and control effect can be achieved at the minimum cost, maximizing the health of the people's lives, and minimizing the impact of epidemic situation on economic and social development.

The People's Daily published a comment article on "Zhongyin" on Monday (October 10), emphasizing that "'lying flat' has no way out, insisting is victory";The more we must deeply realize that the 'dynamic clearing zero' is sustainable and must persist. "

Xinhua News Agency and the Economic Daily also published articles with similar content on Tuesday. Xinhua News Agency pointed out in the time review entitled to enhance the stamp endurance epidemic prevention and control.When "rest" and "eloquence".The dynamic clearing is the best choice based on the current situation of China's current epidemic situation.The Economic Daily Review once again called on the public to strengthen confidence in China's prevention and control policies, "more patience to prevent and control measures."