China Vice President Wang Qishan will visit Kazakhstan from October 12th to 13th to attend the sixth summit of Asiax.

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday (October 11), Mao Ning, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced that at the invitation of the Kazakhstan government of the Chairman of the Kazakhstan Government of Asia's mutual cooperation and trust measures, Wang Qishan will lead the group to go to the group to go to the groupHe attended the sixth summit in Asia's Shengxin in Astana from October 12th to 13th.

According to the CCTV news client, the Asian Credit Conference is a forum that is involved in multi -countries, which was initiated by Kazakhstan, the first President Nazarbayev in October 1992.The organization includes 27 member states, eight observer states and five international organizations with observer status. The Organization Secretariat is located in the capital of Kazakhstan.In 2022, Kazakhstan served as the rotating chairman of the organization.

According to China News Network, the theme of this meeting is "the safety and sustainable development of Asia in the post -epidemic era."The members of the participating countries exchanged opinions on the security situation of the Asianxin area, the economic development of the post -epidemic era, the response to tradition and non -tradition security threats and challenges, and implementation of trust measures in various fields in Asia.The meeting passed the statement of the Asian Caixin Chairman, updating the Asianxin trust measures, revised the rules of the Asian Credit Program, and unveiled the new site of the Asian Council Secretariat.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the main purpose and goal of Asian mutual cooperation and trust measures to promote peace, security and stability in Asia through formulating and implementing multilateral trust measures.The Asian Xin adheres to the purpose and principles of the United Nations Charter, adheres to the equality of all members of the members, respects each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, does not interfere with each other in the internal affairs, advocates resolving disputes in peace, opposition to resort to force or threatened by force.Politics, new threats, new challenges, economic, environmental, and humanities, five major areas, and other five major fields of trust measures, and strengthen the safety, economic, social and cultural exchanges and cooperation of member states.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened on the 16th of this month. Wang Qishan has been elected as the 20th National Congress in Jiangsu Province this year.At this time, he visited Kazakhsacon, and whether he returned to China and completed the quarantine to attend the 20th National Congress, which caused the outside world to be curious.

The Fifth Summit of Asia Captain was held in Duchang, the capital of Tajikistan in 2019. At that time, Chinese President Xi Jinping went to the meeting and delivered a speech.