Chinese companies actively go out of the sea in Southeast Asia, and many of the first stops regarding Singapore as overseas expansion.

However, to stand in the region in the region, not only must we practice basic skills, localization is also the key, such as unable to copy the 996 culture that China prevails.

China Internet Insurance Company Waterdrop Inc. founder and CEO Shen Peng on Friday (October 7) on one of the sub -forums of the Huayan China Global Forum.Founded in 2015, Shui Drop Corporation was online distribution and providing disease crowdfunding. In 2019, it entered Singapore and launched the Water Drop International Version DEEDA locally.

Shen Peng revealed that in August this year he came to communicate with the Singapore Economic Development Agency, Trade China and local partners, and was determined to set up international business headquarters in Singapore.

To develop global cause, we must adapt to China outside China and not implement 996 culture

In his opinion, Singapore's geographical advantage, economic environment, and talent density, "are the first stops for Chinese companies as the most critical development of global development."

The company attaches great importance to local bilingual talents. Singapore headquarters recruit Singaporeans.

However, he emphasized that before going to the sea, Chinese enterprises have practiced their basic skills, and they must adapt to local conditions to develop globalization. Entering strange countries should do their best business.

Asked how China 996 Culture (Chao 9 to 9, working six days a week) How to combine with the expectations of local employees, Shen Peng said that water drops will take the initiative to cater to and integrate into the local culture.It doesn't matter, "Chinese enterprises to every country should respect the law ... I have not implemented 996 culture outside China."

The theme of the above -mentioned sub -forum is "Focus on Southeast Asia, the polarization of capital and the role of Chinese capital in the region". The guests discussed together include Hong Yongxiang and SoftBank, deputy governor of Overseas Chinese Yongheng Bank (China) and general manager of the enterprise banking departmentChen Hua, a partner of China Entrepreneurship Investment Management.

Hong Yongxiang said that Ya'an is not a single market, with different languages, currencies, and policies. Chinese companies that go to sea for the first time should quickly adapt to the new environment in a short period of time. It is recommended that they look for partners.Chen Hua reminded that Chinese companies should not underestimate costs. After all, the Yajia'an market consists of 10 countries, and they should respond to the culture and policies of different countries.

Asianan is not a single market, with different languages, currencies, and policies. Chinese companies that go to sea for the first time should quickly adapt to the new environment in a short period of time. It is recommended that they look for partners.

—— Hong Yongxiang, Vice President of Overseas Chinese Yongheng Bank (China) and General Manager of Enterprise Banking Department