> Cantonese is one of the "strong dialects" with a wide range of Chinese dialects and a greater influence. Many people are used in mainland China, Hong Kong, and New Horse.However, if Cantonese is used on the Chinese short video platform Douyin live broadcast, it is likely to be blocked.

Hong Kong media such as Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong 01 and other Hong Kong media recently reported that many Internet celebrities from Guangdong Province charged their complaints on Douyin.The account is banned.

The first shot of the first shot is the Internet celebrity "Guangdong Liangzi Wind" with more than 4.6 million fans.He posted a film in Douyin on September 30 to accuse himself in the live broadcast of the live broadcast in the live broadcast of Douyin.The live broadcast was interrupted, and the name was banned.

"Call yourself shakingWhen the live broadcast room was broadcast live in Cantonese, the picture was suddenly blocked by the platform.(Internet)

Wind Shao said that Douyin has the function of automatically configure subtitles for Cantonese, but when blocking the Cantonese anchor account, he used "unsatisfactory language".It is announced to withdraw from the Douyin platform.

This complaint film has not been found in Douyin, but according to media reports on Tuesday (October 4), the film has been supported by nearly 10,000 netizens. Some Guangdong netizens emphasized:"Cantonese people can have no vibrato, but they must have Cantonese."

A stone stirred thousands of waves, and many Cantonese -speaking anchors went on, claiming that they also encountered similar situations.One of the anchors, "Fat General Driving", said that he was also interrupted by the platform when he played the well -known Cantonese song of the well -known Hong Kong rock band Beyond in the live broadcast room.

Some net red live broadcast suddenly. Suggestion is recommendedTips for Mandarin.(Internet)

An anchor "Professor Qin" said that the account was blocked for 24 hours because of the use of Cantonese in the live broadcast.Some anchors discussed the films of Douyin's ban on Cantonese content incidents. The reason for the platform was "involving false information."

In response, Douyin customer service responded to "Hong Kong 01" inquiries that the anchors could use Cantonese live broadcast normally, and the platform would not make "very serious punishment" because of this, but the platform is currently multi -language for multi -language.The identification ability is limited, so it is recommended to use more Mandarin during the live broadcast, so that audiences in different regions of the country can better understand the live broadcast content.

When asked if "limited multi -language recognition ability" can be considered as a rough or sensitive topic for Cantonese, Douyin has no positive response, and only emphasizes that "some audiences may not understand (Cantonese)"Therefore, when anchor uses Cantonese live broadcast for a long time, the platform may receive the platform to issue a suggestion to use Mandarin.

Douyin also warns that if the above prompts are not rectified, they may "violate the live broadcast behavior specifications" and face the risk of being banned.

However, there is no disable the disabled live broadcast of dialects in the live broadcast behavior specification of Douyin.

Netizens also do not pay for Douyin's explanation.Some netizens questioned that Douyin said that "unable to identify multi -language" is not true, because even if the anchor uses Cantonese in the film, the system can still translate these contents into subtitles.Monitoring, for Cantonese.

In fact, Douyin is not the first time to take action for Cantonese content.From March to May 2020, Douyin limited Cantonese content many times to "encourage the anchors to switch to Mandarin."

The difference is that shortly after the dispute was caused, Douyin updated the system, and the anchor in Cantonese was no longer restricted or "recommended".

It is still unclear how to deal with the dispute next.As of Thursday (October 6), there was still no news that Douyin withdrew restrictions.

China's official "pushing the Pu and abolished Cantonese"?

The reason why this incident provoked the nerves of Cantonese may be because the Cantonese was not the first time that the Cantonese was "proposed" to change their habitual term.

As early as the eve of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, Ji Keguang, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal CPPCC proposal committee, suggested that the comprehensive channel or news channel of the Guangzhou TV station that mainly uses Cantonese to the main use of Putonghua, orUse Mandarin broadcast during the main time.

This suggestion at the time caused a strong rebound and criticism from all walks of life in Guangzhou. Some Guangzhou citizens also protested on the street to host a series of "supporting Cantonese" (defending Cantonese) activities, which also received the support and response of Hong Kong citizens.After the official came forward to clarify that there was no "pushing and disappointed Cantonese", the situation gradually subsided.

2010 in Guangzhou The outbreak of Cantonese activities.(Internet)

More than 10 years have passed, and the controversy of "Pushing for Cantonese" rarely floats on the table.However, the Chinese government's efforts to promote the popularization of Putonghua have not stopped.

In November last year, the General Office of the State Council of China issued opinions on comprehensively strengthening the language work of the new era, which specifically mentioned the support and service to the service of Mandarin education in Hong Kong and Macao.

At that time, the Chinese State Council also set a target, requiring to increase the pendant penetration rate to 85%by 2025.A month later, a Cantonese show from Yulin Radio and Television, Guangxi was suspended, and the clever time in time caused Cantonese discussions.

China's official strongly promotes the popularization of Mandarin. The British Guardian analyzes that this is to strengthen the Chinese people's recognition of the country.However, the price of this is that dialects will not be able to avoid gradually micro. Han dialects such as Wu language (including Shanghai dialect) and Cantonese have signs of reducing their appearances in public fields and classrooms in recent years.

But the affected is not just the Han dialects, the Mongolian, Uyghur language of Chinese ethnic minorities, etc. are actually the same.In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, in August 2020, the teaching language of the language class, political class, and historical courses of Inner Mongolia converted from Mongolian to Chinese.The local Mongolian people are worried that this will cause Mongolian to be inaccurate, and they will also go to the streets to protest.

2020 Demonstration of Mongolia outbreakEssence(Internet)

It can be seen that in the process of promoting the popularization of national language and the consciousness of the Chinese nation community in China, it is not only Cantonese.However, this Douyin "ban"Cantonese content may reflect the more special status of Cantonese in the eyes of the official.

The political review of Cantonese

The use of Cantonese is huge. According to CCTV reports, there are about 100 million Chinese population in Cantonese in Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hong Kong and Macao.There are about 7 million Chinese.

Some netizens therefore believed that Cantonese in Douyin used many population groups, but the platform reviewers who understood Cantonese were insufficient, and it was difficult to cope with the large number of Cantonese content.

In fact, the shortcomings of the examinee did not publish room for sensitive content to Cantonese users.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post, during the period of the epidemic sealing in Guangzhou City, Guangzhou City, in Guangzhou City, in Cantonese, some netizens criticized the government's harsh epidemic prevention policies in Cantonese.However, these posts were not immediately deleted because the review mechanism could not quickly identify the content of these posts.

July 31, Guangzhou Citizens are queuing to accept nucleic acidsTest.(Agence France -Presse)

Some netizens said that many netizens who use Cantonese will publish sensitive content in Cantonese, or release obscene content, and scratch the ball to the eye.Some netizens have speculated that the ban on Cantonese may be close to the "Dashen Festival" (the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China). The platform is worried about "turning the car" and simply adopts more severe restrictions on Cantonese.

In addition, with the rise of the localization of Hong Kong's localization, the position of the younger generation of Hong Kong's younger generation defending Cantonese and Traditional Chinese characters has also become tougher. Especially during the period of anti -revision of 2019, Cantonese has become some Hong Kong people to vent their right -handed right -handed right -handed right -handed right -handed rightA main medium that Beijing is dissatisfied.

For various reasons, it is not difficult to understand why Chinese officials are alert to Cantonese as a cultural, social, and political phenomenon.Become an irregular bomb that affects social stability.Douyin's prohibition may reflect this consideration in this regard.