Affected by factors such as the epidemic and new business investment, Xiaomi's revenue and net profit in the second quarter of this year fell significantly, of which net profit decreased by 67.1%year -on -year.

According to the surging news report, Xiaomi Group issued a financial report for the second quarter of June 30 this year on Friday (August 19).The financial report shows that the second quarter of Xiaomi Group's revenue was 70.17 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, S $ 14.32 billion), a year -on -year decrease of 20.1%; the adjustment of net profit was 2.081 billion yuan, a year -on -year decrease of 67.1%.

Xiaomi president Wang Xiang responded to the problem of revenue and profit decline at the call.He said that Xiaomi's second -quarter performance fluctuations were mainly due to inflation in many markets in the world, coupled with the repeated mainland epidemic, which caused weak consumption and affected income.He mentioned that in the second quarter of this year, Xiaomi adopted price reduction promotion in the "618" promotion event, which put pressure on profits.

Xiaomi Group CFO Lin Shiwei believes that Xiaomi's profit fluctuations are still influenced by new business investment. In the second quarter, the new business investment reached 611 million yuan.

The financial report also shows that the income of Xiaomi's smartphone branch in the second quarter decreased by 28.5%year -on -year to 42.3 billion yuan, mainly due to the reduction in smartphones shipments;39.1 million units are mainly affected by the global macroeconomic environment and the crown disease in Mainland China.

In addition, the overall downturn in the Chinese mobile phone market has also affected Xiaomi's shipments.The financial report shows that the impact of factors such as global macroeconomic fluctuations and repeated epidemics on the demand for the overall smartphone market continues.

According to Canalys data, the shipments of the global and mainland China smartphones in the second quarter of this year fell 8.9%and 10.1%year -on -year, respectively, and decreased by 7.7%and 10.9%respectively.In the second quarter of this year, Xiaomi's global smartphone shipment ranked third, with a market share of 13.8%.

However, Wang Xiang expects that mobile phone shipments will be better than the first half of the year. In the case of stable epidemic, there will be a growth trend, but there will still be great uncertainty in the future.

In addition, Xiaomi also responded to the problem of being investigated by the Indian government at the call.Wang Xiang introduced that Xiaomi is actively dealing with the Indian government's investigation and is not prepared at present, because Xiaomi's business in India is still in progress, and Xiaomi has successfully thawed more than $ 700 million in frozen funds.

He mentioned that Xiaomi is also being frozen in negotiations, and Xiaomi's business progress and factory production in India are also undergoing normally.Xiaomi will seriously communicate with the relevant Indian government departments frankly and actively, and also appeal through the judicial system.