In mainland China on Friday (August 19), it notified the case of 2169 infected people. Among them, the epidemic in Sanya City, Hainan Province, in the severe epidemic area, signs of slowing down.The faucet "", completely block the spread of the chain.

The National Health and Health Commission of China reported that 578 local confirmed cases and 1591 asymptomatic infections were added in mainland China on Friday. Among them, Hainan Province notified 1201 local positive cases, accounting for more than half of the total cases.

360 confirmed cases and 509 asymptomatic infections have been added to Sanya City, Hainan Province.

Comprehensive reports from Xinhua News Agency, Surging News, CCTV News, etc., Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Vice Premier Sun Chunlan in Hainan investigated and guided the epidemic prevention and control work in Hainan for several days, and went deep into Sanya, Ledong, Lingshui and other places.Isolation points, sealing communities and other fields to understand the command system, isolation and transportation, isolation resources, etc.

Sun Chunlan emphasized that we must adhere to the "four mornings" and "four should be four". Crypto nucleic acid screening quickly discovers the source of infection, prepare a square cabin, and to ensure the settlement day of the transfer of transportation.The "water faucet" is tightened and controlled to completely block the spread chain.

She said that the spread of the epidemic in Sanya was effectively curbed. The Hainan epidemic was heavier in six key cities and counties.Okay, but the foundation of prevention and control is still unstable.It is necessary to optimize the nucleic acid detection strategy, focus on key communities and crowds, and screen dry risk personnel as soon as possible; strictly prevent new outbreak points in the epidemic, and relegation and control over high -risk communities.

In another epidemic area, Xinjiang, Xinjiang, added five local confirmed cases and 184 symptoms of local infected infected.Local confirmed cases are distributed in High -tech Zone in Urumqi, Korla, Baba, and Yizhou District of Hami.In view of the signs of slowing down, the Xinjiang Autonomous Region Government announced on Friday that the static management measures of Urumqi City were extended for three days.

Hu Zhichun, a member of the party group of Xinjiang Health and Health Commission, said on Friday that at present, the situation in Xinjiang's epidemic situation is complicated and severe, the number of daily reports is still high, and the risk of community communication and diffusion still exists.

It is also Pingyao County, Shanxi Province to implement static management measures. The local government requires the county to maintain a silent state.Railway stations, high -speed rail stations, and high -speed intersections restrict the flow of personnel and implement traffic control.

The Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Shangri -La City, Victoria County, and Deqin County, also issued an emergency notice from the epidemic prevention and control to conduct regional nucleic acid testing. All personnel must not leave the city (county)Essence

On the other hand, the Municipal Supervision Committee of the Yingtan City Discipline Inspection Commission of Jiangxi Province issued a notice to account for the poor prevention and control of the epidemic, and to account for accounting on the Standing Committee of the Guixi Municipal Party Committee, a member of the Municipal Government Party Group, and the emergency leadership of the epidemic prevention and control of Guixi CityWei Qun'e, the executive deputy team leader of the team, and other cadres and public officials.