Faced with the pressure of negative population growth, the State Council decided to decide the system of the inter -joint conference system of the State Council to optimize the maternity policy work department and further strengthen the organization and leadership of the optimization of maternity policy.

According to the news released by the Chinese Government Network on Friday (August 19), the State Council of China has agreed to instructions by the State Health and Health Commission to establish an inter -joint conference system for the State Council to optimize the maternity policy.The National Health and Family Planning Commission's family planning part -time member system has been revoked at the same time.

According to the inter -joint meeting system of the State Council's Optimization of Planning Policy Work Department issued by the State Council Office, the establishment of a joint meeting system is to further strengthen the organization and leadership of the optimization of maternity policy and strengthen overall coordination.

The main function of the joint meeting system is to implement the major decision -making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on optimizing fertility policy work; coordinate and coordinate the work of optimizing maternity policies in the country, study and promote major policies and measures; guidance, supervision, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urging, urge, andCheck the implementation of relevant policies and measures; complete other matters assigned by the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

The joint meeting is composed of 26 party and government departments and units of the National Health and Health Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Education. The State Health and Health Commission is the lead unit.

The joint meeting has a convener, and the leaders of the State Council are in charge of health and health work.Director; the person in charge of each member unit is a member of the joint meeting.

The joint meeting office is located in the National Health and Health Commission, and mainly undertakes daily work such as joint meeting to organize liaison and coordination.The director of the office shall also be the head of the National Health and Health Commission in charge of optimizing the work of the maternity policy.

The joint meeting requires that member units to divide the division of labor in accordance with their responsibilities, actively study the relevant issues of optimizing the work of maternity, formulate relevant supporting policies and measures or put forward policy recommendations; conscientiously implement the work tasks and negative matters determined by the joint meeting; strengthenCommunicate, cooperate closely, support each other, form a joint force, and give full play to the role of joint meetings.

The first convener of the joint meeting was Sun Chunlan, the Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of China.