(Beijing Reuters) UN -slavery experts said in a report that there are reasons to conclude that in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, there is an obsessive labor for ethnic minorities in agriculture and manufacturing.Mysterious discreditation of slandering China.

According to Reuters, the United Nations Special Reporter Tomoya Obokata released the report on Tuesday (August 16) on Tuesday (August 16) in his personal Twitter account.


Report states that there are two "national authorization" systems in Xinjiang. One is the vocational skills education and training center system. Ethical minorities are "detained" and arranged for employment; the other is to poverty alleviation by transferring rural labor.Although these plans may create employment opportunities for ethnic minorities and increase income, many cases have signs of forced labor.

Wang Wenbin: Malicious stems of China

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin responded on Wednesday that some special mechanism experts listened to the fabricated lies and false information compiled by Western countries such as the United States and anti -China forces, abused power, blatantly violated the special mechanism code, and maliciously dealt with China.The discredit and slander, as a political tool for anti -China forces, strongly condemned this.

The date of this report is July 19, and it is currently published in the UN Document Library.Special reporters are independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, but do not represent the United Nations speech.

Bachelett, a senior commissioner of UN Human Rights, who will step down at the end of this month, is reportedly issued by the Xinjiang Human Rights Report before leaving.