(Beijing / Xiamen Comprehensive News) The number of new crown infections in mainland China has exceeded three months in a new high. Hainan, Tibet and other places are still in the hardest hit area.Fishermen do nucleic acid testing every day, and the landing of land must also be tested.

According to the China National Health and Health Commission, 3,424 new local crown diseases were added on Wednesday (August 17) in mainland China, including 614 local diagnosis cases and 2,810 symptoms of natives.The highest new day.

496 cases of confirmed cases and 1522 asymptomatic infections in Hainan Province in the severe disaster area of the epidemic area. As of midnight of Wednesday, the province's cumulative infection in the province's epidemic situation was 12,763.

19 new cases and 870 asymptomatic infections were added on Wednesday, of which Lhasa was added with 1 case and 109 in Lhasa.

The official WeChat public account of Lhasa announced on Wednesday evening that the temporary social face control began last Friday (August 12) was extended by three days, and it ended at 3 am on August 21.

Stepping on the prevention and control of the epidemic, after the formal fisheries of the Xiamen waters in Fujian (August 16), in addition to the fishermen to do nucleic acid testing once a day, the sale of the shore also needs to be tested by nucleic acid.

According to the Taiwan Strait.com report, Xiamen Jimei District implemented a "'person + material' same inspection", that is, the fishermen went ashore to receive the collection of nucleic acids.Extract the sample from the fishing body.

The staff of Xiamen Ocean Development Bureau responded to the media inquiry on Wednesday that the acquisition must also be carried out.The official WeChat account "Ping An Jimei" of Jimei District has clearly stipulated relevant regulations on July 22, and said that fishermen have occurred in many places in Fujian Province since June.Case.

Fish without lungs is also a nucleic acid net user: small topic masterpiece

Although the original reports of the Taiwan Strait.com have been invisible, relevant reports and videos have attracted widespread attention after being reproduced.Under Sina Weibo related topics, most netizens are puzzled by nuclear acids without lungs, saying that "a little topic, doing so is a waste of public health resources."

But some netizens commented that this test should be collected as environmental samples. "This is for the safety of the people, don't interpret it too much."