(Beijing Comprehensive News) The policy of stimulating the property market has been introduced throughout China this year, including encouraging farmers to go to the county seat to buy a house and settle in. The official media issued a document on Thursday (August 18) reminding farmers to be cautious when buying a house and emphasizing that the city "should be" based on the city."The house stays" must fully protect the rights and interests of farmers, and leave the farmers back.

The farmers' daily newspapers in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs have published the above article that multiple counties have successively issued a preferential buying policy for farmers, obviously the hope of "de -inventory" of the property market on the peasant group.

The article reminds that although those who have the desire to enter the city, they do not have enough ability to buy a house and have no stable income to cover the cost of living after entering the city.The county seat will "voluntarily withdrawn from the homestead and enter the city to buy a house and settle down" as a condition for farmers to get subsidies for buying a house to buy a house, and farmers must be particularly careful.

The article says that farmers enjoy triple protection in the countryside, including rural land contracting rights, homestead use rights, and collective income distribution rights. These rights are the lifeblood of farmers.Pay attention to the development prospects of farmers after entering the city, including employment opportunities, social security, pension insurance, etc. Since local governments attract farmers into the city, "we must come up with real sincerity."

The article states that if you always remember the purchasing power of the farmers, and even want to hit the homestead, it is not advisable to cut off the farmer's back and back road.continuous.

Since the beginning of this year, many counties such as Funing, Jilin Huadian, Guizhou Qinglong, and Ningnan Sichuan have successively issued a preferential buying policy for farmers.Essence

Among them, Qianshan City, Anhui Province proposed that farmers who voluntarily withdrawn from the homestead to buy a house and settle in the city will be rewarded at one time after being identified.

The ownership of the Chinese rural homestead belongs to the collective ownership. The property on the homestead belongs to the individual. The relevant policies of these homesteads of the local government have recently caused a lot of controversy.