For the net biography referring to a Shi Lang Guangzhou store, an employee is banned from speaking Cantonese during work, and the offender will be strictly handled.Guangzhou Sushilang responded that the company did not prohibit employees from communicating with guests in Cantonese, but it was recommended to use Mandarin in internal exchanges.

According to the AI Finance News Agency, in response to the "prohibiting employees from working in Cantonese", Guangzhou Sushilang Catering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Sushilang") stated that it has conducted serious education on relevant personnel., Disputes and discomfort caused by internal information transmission statements, please report with sincere apologies to everyone.

Sushilang said that the company has never prohibited employees from communicating with guests in Cantonese, encouraging employees to carry out free and comfortable communication based on their own conditions and based on the language habits of the guests.However, in internal exchanges, because the company's employees come from different areas, in order to communicate more smoothly, it is recommended that employees use Mandarin as the primary language.

It is reported that a screenshot of a chat in Guangzhou Shi Lang's internal employee group has recently flowed out on the Internet, which has aroused the attention and discussion of netizens.The screenshot shows that a WeChat name has the people in the group in the group, and said that "if you discover that you speak Cantonese at work, you will report it strictly."

It is reported that the above -mentioned stores involved are Guangzhou Sushi Lang R & F Haizhu City Store.They do n’t understand Cantonese, and they will be confused to communicate in Cantonese. They want to build an environment that everyone can understand, so they let them speak Mandarin. "The manager has apologized in the group and will apologize to the employees one by one.

However, the Guangzhou Sushi Lang R & F Haizhu City Store does not seem to be the only store with the above problems.Inquiry of the Finance and Economics Weekly found that there was a screenshot of the Internet that the manager of the No. 4 store of Guangzhou Sushi Langyue City once said, "For the (in) shops, it is emphasized that if there are still people who continue to speak Cantonese in the store, Cantonese will be serious."Treatment", some people in the Sushi Lang No. 3 Store Store made a statement saying, "Today, educators (Gong), especially in Cantonese, do not speak Cantonese at work ... There will be a tired (similar) situation next time, next timeYou resign and go home directly. "