ChinaAt the time of the downturn in the real estate market, many places have introduced policies to encourage farmers to buy houses and settle in the county seats."You must fully protect the rights and interests of farmers and leave farmers.

The article states that in the context of the pressure pressure of the county's real estate market, encouraging farmers to enter the city to buy a house is obviously the hope of "destocking" the property market on the peasant group, but should farmers enter the city?The problem of buying a house cannot be generalized.

The article says that for farmers who have accumulated a certain economic strength and indeed have demands to leave their hometown, at this time, the policy "Dongfeng" has reduced the cost of buying a house, increasing the "buying a house in the city to buy a house to buy a house"The gold content is not a good opportunity.However, for those farmers who have enough ability to buy a house, but do not have enough ability to buy a house for the time being, they have no stable income to cover the cost of living after entering the city.As a condition for farmers to get subsidies for buying houses in the city, the house site is purchased and settled in the city.

The article emphasizes that farmers enjoy the three guarantees of "rural land contracting rights", "right to use the house site" and "collective income distribution rights" in the countryside.The city has given up after buying a house; "There are old houses to live, land can be planted, and food can be reached. This is the road of farmers and the back road of society. You must stay."

The article pointed out that farmers' contracted rights and homesteads must respect the wishes of farmers, change them in accordance with the law, voluntarily, and paid, and question the policy of "like 'voluntarily to withdraw from the homestead to get 50,000 yuan to buy a house subsidy', 50,000Yuan (RMB, the same below, about 10,000 yuan) is enough to buy a house in the city? Can it guarantee the city's city life? Is such a subsidy and rural rights equivalent? "It is emphasized that local governments attract farmers to enter the city to come up with "real sincerity", pay attention to the development prospects of farmers after entering the city, ensure employment opportunities and unemployment assistance, and introduce corresponding social security and pension insurance plans to allow farmers to be in the city in the city.Keep and live well.

The article said that the new downward pressure on the economy has increased, and counties and cities hope to attract farmers to enter the city to activate the economy and expand demand."People" must fully protect the rights and interests of farmers and leave the road for farmers.

The article finally warns that it is not advisable to cut off the farmers that can enter and retreat, and the short -term returns and development in exchange are also difficult to sustain.The county's formulation policy must be considered in the generalization of urban and rural integration., Is the fundamental way to resolve the county's economic problems.

China Anhui Qianshan, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, Zunyi, Guizhou, and other places have issued documents to encourage rural residents to live in the county seats, and have issued corresponding funding subsidy policies. Among themThe farmers who settled in urban houses were given a one -time reward of 50,000 yuan after being determined.