China National Health and Health Commission announced the new regulations, and unmarried women who have cultivated women do not need to get married permits and other materials.

According to the China Network, Liu Juan, deputy director of the China Medical Insurance Bureau Treatment Security Department, said at a press conference on Wednesday (17th) that the threshold for receiving maternity allowances, and the social insurance law follows the rights and obligations of rights and obligations.As long as the liability for payment of maternity insurance is fulfilled, there is no threshold at the national level in terms of treatment enjoyment.

Liu Juan introduced that on the service list, the relevant materials such as enjoying the maternity insurance maternity allowance do not require a marriage certificate and other materials.

Some reporters asked questions that some of the issuance of maternity allowances have proposed front conditions such as marriage certificates, so that some unmarried but fertilized women may have obstacles to apply for maternity allowances.Intersection

In this regard, Liu Juan said that there are some places that provide the requirements of maternity services related materials. The subsequent medical insurance bureau will follow the relevant departments to track the relevant situation to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of participants.

In addition, Liu Juan also introduced that from the international situation, China's national statutory maternity leave has reached the 14 -week standard stipulated by the International Labor Organization Maternity Convention.The above convention standards.

She pointed out that too long holidays may bring fertility concerns of professional women, increase women's employment discrimination, is not conducive to fair employment of men and women, and then affects women's fertility willingness.With the impact of employment, comprehensive policy, responsibility sharing, and jointly build a positive fertility support system.