Beijing on Wednesday (August 17) in Beijing notified four local crown diseases, which were three cases of confirmed cases and a asymptomatic infection. One of them was found to be screened in society.

According to China CCTV News, Beijing held a press conference on the prevention and control of the crown disease epidemic on Wednesday to report that four new local crown diseases were added as of 3 pm on Wednesday.

Among the four infected people, there are two in Fengtai District, one each of Shunyi District and Changping District; three of them are in the three cases of confirmed cases, both of which are mild and asymptomatic.One person's social screening of Shunyi District found.

The report said that the infected person in the society arrived in Beijing on Saturday (13th), and took the initiative to report to the community after arriving in Beijing, and monitored the health of the home as required.At present, the infected person has been transferred to a designated hospital, and the relevant risk points and personnel have been controlled.

Xu Hejian, a spokesperson for the Beijing Municipal Government, emphasized at the press conference that it is necessary to strictly implement the policy of returning to Beijing.

He said that there is a case of or above the county (district, flag) of the native crown disease infected in the seven days.After returning to Beijing, we must actively report to the community and cooperate with various epidemic prevention work.

He also said that for the reporters who reported to the county from the infected person without infected people, they would like to minimize the frequency of going out within one week after entering Beijing.Protection, nucleic acid testing is carried out in accordance with regulations.