The topic of the well -known pharmacies in China "The Pharmacy Registered Customer Member of the Pharmacy of the People's Pharmacy" Customer Customer Name of the Pharmacy "beasts on Tuesday (August 16) rushed on Weibo to search, and the people listed on the pharmacy were pushed to the cusp.

According to daily economic news reports, the cause of the incident was that a customer accidentally found that his member name was written as "beast" when he bought medicines.He speculated that he may have received a sales call four years ago. He scolded the employees of the shop on the phone, and the name may be changed at that time.

This time, the Yongkang House of Yongkangtang, Changsha, Hunan, Yuelu store, was acquired in January this year.The person in charge of the common people issued a statement of the company's apology for the matter.The people said that the enrollment of the member name was caused by the error of the original member information of the Yongkangtang Pharmacy. It has been correct and communicated and apologized to the customer. It has obtained the understanding of the customer.

The common people also emphasized that as of the incident, the company did not find out that the membership name was incorrect, and it was responsible for losing.In view of this, the company has launched a comprehensive investigation for members of the people of the people, strengthening the management of membership system, and eliminating such incidents.

Mr. Li's experience is quickly fermented on the Internet. Many netizens said that they had received a call from pharmacy staff.Many practitioners feedback, this industry is already "rolled".The total number of Chinese pharmacy stores reached 489,000 in 2018, and the number of pharmacies in the industry shouted the sound of saturated pharmacies.But compared with the latest data, the pharmacy is still more and more, more and more dense.

Many pharmacies will use telephone sales to build private domain flow and increase user stickiness.A large -scale chain pharmacy executive in China talked in a telephone interview that slow -disease customers who are less than three kilometers in pharmacy are private domain flow. Many pharmacies around them depends on who is more sticky to customers.Drug reminder, promotional offer notification and other services.

CITIC Securities Research Report believes that in the future, the national stock medical insurance stores will face standardized shuffle, and the pressure on small and medium chain operating in the area and inherent medical insurance resources will increase.The overall stores of outpatient clinics will continue to focus on head companies.