Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of the State Council of China, said that at this time, the big economic province must be bravely picked up to play a key role in stable economic support.

According to the China News Agency, Li Keqiang hosted a symposium on the main person in charge of the Economic Provincial Government in Shenzhen on Tuesday (August 16) to analyze the economic situation and put forward requirements for the next economic work.At the meeting, Li Xi, secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Wang Weizhong, the governor of Guangdong, made a statement that Jiangsu Governor Xu Kunlin, Zhejiang Governor Wang Hao, Shandong Province Zhou Naixiang, Henan Governor Wang Kai, and Huang Qiang, the governor of Sichuan.

Li Keqiang said that the Chinese economy continued to resume development in July, but there was still a slight fluctuation.The momentum is about to start.At present, the node that is the most stable in economic stabilization must be consolidated by the urgent sense of urgency from time to time.

Li Keqiang said that the total economic volume of six large economic provinces accounted for 45%of the country, which is the "pillar" of the national economic development.Economic provinces must be bravely picked up to play a key role in stable economic support.Implement the policy of stabilizing the economy, tap its own policy potential, protect market entities to stimulate vitality, ensure the main logistics roads and microcirculation, and stabilize the industrial chain supply chain.

Li Keqiang said that the stability of the economy is also the source of wealth.The four coastal provinces in the six provinces contributed more than 60 % of the local finance payments.The central government has basically issued the local transfer payment. The provinces must adhere to the government's tight life, revitalize the financial stock funds, maintain the balance of fiscal revenue and expenditure, increase financial sinking, ensure the "three insurances" at the grassroots levelPublished.

Li Keqiang said that the market is stable, and the economy and employment can be stable.The number of market entities in the six provinces accounted for more than 40%of the country, contributed more than 40%of employment.It is necessary to increase the rescue efforts to help enterprises in combination, help them restore their vitality, continue to be the "protagonist" in absorbing employment, and strive to stabilize the employment of local and foreign workers.Demand failure is a prominent contradiction in economic operation.There are many people in economic provinces. We must find more ways to promote consumption, expand consumption such as cars, and support housing rigidity and improvement.The current local special debt balance has not yet reached the debt limit. It is necessary to revitalize the debt limit space in accordance with the law, and use the issued local special debt and policy development financial instruments.All localities should accelerate the construction of mature projects, and form more physical workloads in the third quarter to drive effective investment and corresponding consumption.

Li Keqiang said that the reason why the economic province has today's development achievements is the fundamental motivation in reform and opening up.We must continue to explore in reform, deepen the reform of "decentralization of management", and greater stimulation of market vitality and social creativity.Openness is the only way to make full use of the two resources of the two markets and improve international competitiveness.The import and export of the six provinces and the use of foreign investment are close to 60 % of the country. It is necessary to promote higher levels of opening up, stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, and achieve mutual benefit and win -win results.

China official Monday (August 15) announced July economic data, and many important indicators are not ideal.The year -on -year increase in industries above designated size increased from 3.9 % in June to 3.8 %; the year -on -year increase in total retail sales of social consumer goods also fell from 3.1 % in June to 2.7 %.Real estate investment fell 12.3 %.The unemployment rate of youth from 16 to 24 rose to 19.9 %.