Hainan's new wave of epidemic lifts the confrontation between local provinces in China. The Hainan Provincial Government has given a letter to the Jiangsu Provincial Government to accuse some local cities of being unwilling to accept detention passengers.Without receiving, restricted flights are temporary increases and are currently being processed.

A letter of "about emergency coordinated release flights" circulated on the Internet on August 15.The Hainan Provincial People's Government stated in the document that because some cities in Jiangsu Province are unwilling to accept stranded passengers, causing the flight to be unable to take off.. "

Phoenix.com called the Jiangsu Provincial Government to verify that the staff on duty confirmed that the documents were true, but it was said that it was not that Jiangsu did not accept it."We are dealing with."

Monday (August 15) in mainland China (August 15) added 530 cases of confirmation of the crown disease, and 1,838 asymptomatic infected infections, more than 90 % of the local infected people were concentrated in Hainan, Tibet,In Xinjiang, 426 cases and 785 non -symptoms were added in Hainan Province.

Many cities in Hainan implemented static management after the epidemic in this round of epidemic, preventing the virus in a near -sealing manner, which caused a large number of passengers to be trapped in the local area.Travel consumption disputes and other issues have aroused external attention.

The State Council shall issue a notice on August 13, which should be issued by the State Council's response to the Komonicization and Control Mechanism of the Epidemium, requiring all provinces and regions to resolutely implement the deployment of a game of anti -epidemic in the country, strengthen the connection and cooperation with Hainan Province, and receive the retention standards that meet the return standards.Passengers must not be increased layer by layer, and they must not refuse or receive a limit to ensure that the retention passengers return smoothly.

The People's Daily published a comment on the 16th to urge localities to accelerate the implementation of nucleic acid test results nationwide, and also reminded the localities to stand the height of the "one game of a nationwide chess" at the epidemic prevention and control and "break the local protectionism."