Due to the high temperature weather in Chengkou County, Chongqing Chengkou, the rainfall was insufficient.The water level of the county's reservoir is lower than below the normal water storage level. The water supply volume of the water supply and water supply of the county town is only ten days. Chengkou County will use the spare water source to solve the problem of water supply.

According to the surging news report, since July this year, the high temperature weather in Chengkou County has occurred, the number of high temperatures has been nine days, which is more than eight days than the same period of the year. It has been the most since 1958.Essence

Since the beginning of this year, the rainfall of Chengkou County has been 415.8mm, accounting for 58%of the average rainfall of the same period, and the meteorological drought is severe.The water level of the county's reservoir is lower than 11.8m -24.22m below the normal water storage level; the water supply volume of the water supply of water sources in the county town is 473,900 cubic meters, which can only meet the water demand for about 10 days of the county's population.

Feng Yue, director of the Water Resources Bureau of Chengkou County, said that due to the reduction of the water storage capacity of Sanhe Reservoir, Chengkou County will enable a spare water source shelter dam reservoir on the 20th of this month.Wancang can ensure the long -term demand for water use in the county.

The video account "Chengkou Release" of the Propaganda Department of the Chengkou County Party Committee released a video on August 13, calling on the people of Chengkou people to "save water and imminent".

Chengkou County Water Conservancy Bureau will conduct a comprehensive investigation of the protection of rural drinking water sources, engineering operation management, and rectification.To implement personnel, strengthen operation and protection, disposal problems, grasp water supply and water -saving, water -saving scheduling, and emergency water supply work to ensure the basic living needs of the masses.

Chengkou County Water Conservancy Bureau will also organize cadres and masses to find spare water sources and emergency water sources, and immediately implement engineering measures and standardize disinfection to ensure the safe use of the masses.The reservoir except the Bashan Reservoir is required to stop all the power generation and the leakage of ecological flow, maximize the water storage of the reservoir, and ensure the safety of drinking water in urban and rural areas in the county.