(Beijing / Shenzhen Comprehensive News) China's economic growth in the second quarter has slowed down, showing that the economic recovery is weak. The media in charge of the Central Bank of China said that some kinetic energy indicators have slowed down and the foundation of economic recovery is still unstable. China must introduce more.Stimulating measures to boost economic growth.

Financial Times posted this article on the front page on Tuesday (August 16), which quoted Wen Bin, chief economist of China Minsheng Bank, said that the Chinese economy continued to recover in JulyIt has played a role in support, but overall, the momentum of kinetic energy indicators such as investment and consumption has slowed down, and the foundation of economic recovery is still unstable.

Wen Bin said that in the next stage, it is necessary to further efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, focus on expanding domestic demand, strive to stabilize employment and prices, and choose to introduce an incremental policy to further boost the confidence of the private sector, consolidate economic recoveryThe foundation, maintain economic operation in a reasonable range.

The article also quotes Wang Qing, chief macro analyst of Dongfang Jincheng, said that the new round of stable growth policy is increasing. In addition, a package of measures to stabilize the economic market in the early stage is gradually effective.The momentum is expected to curb.

Wang Qing said that short -term fluctuations will not change the general trend of gradually returning to normal growth in the second half of the year. Next, the steady growth of fiscal policy and industrial policy is expected to further increase.

China's GDP in the second quarter of this year (GDP) increased by 0.4%year -on -year, dragging down only 2.5%of the economic growth in the first half of the year. The original economic growth target of China this year is 5.5%.Stress and challenge.

The Securities Times, hosted by the People's Daily, also stated in the front version of the article that the Bank of China adopted the first shot of the policy to increase the policy in the second half of the year.Essence

The article states that in order to effectively make up for the lack of social needs, we must not rely on monetary policy alone, and active fiscal policies must also actively act.In addition, in order to support the weak links of economic development such as production and consumption, it will be repaired as soon as possible, and supports the property market to recover, and it is inseparable from more industrial policies and local real estate regulation policies tailored to local conditions.