Chinese official: I can't wait for common wealth

(Beijing Comprehensive News) The latest article in China officially published that common prosperity is a long -term task and a real task.

Published on Tuesday (August 16) Publishing, the magazine published by the Chinese official entitled articles that the whole party must be complete, accurate, and comprehensively implements the new development concept. The article states that common prosperity is an important goal of socialist modernization.It is necessary to always satisfy the people's new expectations of the people as the starting point and end point of development, and continuously and gradually solve this problem in the process of modernization.effort.

The article requires that the entire party must implement the new development concepts complete, accurately, and comprehensively, emphasizing that we must continue to push the reform to deepen, and more accurately introduce the reform plan to improve the institutional system more comprehensively.

The article also proposes that the crown disease epidemic is still the biggest uncertainties in China's economic and social development this year. It is necessary to coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and the development of economic and social development.There is no large -scale input and rebound.