After the tragedy of the outbreak of the mountain floods in the Longgulou gap in Sichuan, China, the China Meteorological Administration and the Chengdu Wenguang Travel Bureau issued a notice respectively, requiring attention to the protection of tourism weather, and strengthening the monitoring of the monitoring of outdoor tourism weather conditions involved in the mountains.The forecast warning and the precautions of the cultural travel accident during the flood period are put forward specific requirements.

According to the surging news report, the China Meteorological Administration issued a notice on August 15 to further do a good jobTourism continues to grow.However, the meteorological disasters of landscape tourism attractions are frequent and easy to occur. In addition, the weather in the main flood season disaster is obvious, strong, and high in meteorological disasters. Therefore, the notification requires high importance to attach great importance to tourism weather service guarantee, and specifically specific requirements.

The notification requirement, strengthen the monitoring and early warning of sudden meteorological disasters, strengthen the forecast of emergencies and short -term disaster weather, so as to achieve early and early reminders;Mountain -shaped scenic spots, strengthening risk warnings caused by landscapes and geological disasters caused by thunderstorms and rainstorms; targeting the wading scenic spots, strengthening the risk of risks caused by risks caused by the strong winds, small and medium -sized rivers and heavy rain.

Notice also mentioned that it is necessary to improve the cross -administrative border, the meteorological disaster joint defense mechanism of the cross -government, and the strengthening of tourism disaster defense and science popularization.

According to the Chengdu Daily, the Chengdu Cultural and Broadcasting Bureau issued an emergency notice of the Chengdu Culture, Radio, Film and Television Tourism Bureau on effectively strengthening the disaster prevention and mitigation work of the summer flood season, requiring to deeply learn from the sudden mountain floods of LongconggouLessons to cause crowd casualties.

Notice to propose important requirements for the prevention of the two major in the flood period during the flood period. First, when receiving blue warning information above the rain, strong wind, lightning strike, or near the disaster -looking meteorological early warning information, high -risk operations projectsAnd all kinds of water amusement activities must be closed immediately.Second, when receiving yellow warning information above yellow, heavy wind, lightning strike, or monitoring of signs of disaster, the city's A -level tourist attraction must immediately close the park, organize tourists to evacuate urgently, and evacuate to the nearby safe -haven areas.

According to the notice, Chengdu will conduct a "pull -up" investigation for key areas, especially for the A -level tourist attractions, leisure resort and other key areas such as flood disasters or geological disaster dangerous areas immediately.Glass slider (water slide), cable car ropeway, large amusement facilities, high -risk amusement facilities, water amusement projects and other important facilities.

Long Tuogou, located in Longmen Mountain Town, Pengzhou City last Saturday (August 13), a flood disaster occurred. Many tourists were washed away, causing seven deaths and minor injuries.

The Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture Travel also issued a notice to the cultural tourism departments and tourist scenic spots at all levels in the province on August 14, asking for lessons to learn from the abundant mountain floods to cause casualties to cause casualties to be fully understood to prevent response.Extreme importance of extreme weather guarantee tourism safety.