

Fangsheng said

In July of this year, the international luxury brand Dior launched a skirt suspected of plagiarizing the Hanfu horse -like skirt, which detonated Chinese netizens' condemnation of Dior's "cultural misappropriation"; just one month later, another cultural misappropriation of disputes detonated againChinese public opinion.

A group of Disney princess wearing cheongsam, which was written in the promotional post as a Japanese "Geisha Clothing", and launched this product, MINISO, was immediately pushed to the cusp.In the eyes of Chinese netizens, Chinese brands are suspected of misappropriating Chinese culture. This is one of the one -class crime, and related disputes are quickly upgraded to "humiliation".

Mingchuang Youpin is a chain grocery store selling daily necessities. It was founded in 2013.As of March this year, Mingchuang Youpin reached 3,197 stores in China, with a total of 1916 overseas stores.Some people may be unfamiliar with this brand name, but when it comes to red and white trademarks that are highly similar to Japanese brand Uniqlo and MUJI, I believe most people are more or less impressed.

It can be seen from the trademark that the meaning of Miracho's imitation of Japanese brands is very strong.The products selling Japanese -based texture with low costs are originally the biggest advantage of fake and true, China -Japan difficulty, and the vague brand image. However, after this storm, it became the focus of Chinese netizens.

Mingchuang Youpin has published an apology on August 9, emphasizing that this is the wrong translation of the Spanish agent on social platforms, and the company has terminated cooperative relationships with the team.Mingchuang Youpin also promised that "it will further strengthen the management of the global agent system, especially to strengthen the output of traditional Chinese culture, and strictly avoid such problems."

However, the anger of netizens has not subsided.Some netizens dug out the "Black History" of the famous and created excellence, criticizing it "pseudo -day" and "Mei Day", and even netizens have severely rebuked them as "traitors".The stock price of Mingchuang Youpin on the New York Stock Exchange suddenly fell 8.49%from the 9th to 11th.

The allegations of netizens include the internal requirements of Mingchuang Youpin requesting that Chinese songs are not allowed to play in the store; when the Mingchuang Youpin signed a contract with Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and other countries, the Japanese flag is placed on the signing table instead of the Chinese flag;When opening a store in the United States, the poster was written "from Japan to the United States."

The Chinese Official Media People's Daily also commented on the famous incident, emphasizing that the enterprise cannot make mistakes on the issue of principles.Essence

Ye Guofu, the founder of Mingchuang Youpin, is from Hubei, and the company is headquartered in Guangzhou. It is a native Chinese brand.The core of this controversy is that the famous and innovative products have long wearing "Japanese brands" coats, deliberately dilute the identity of the Chinese brand, and strive to create a higher -end image image.

Paradoxie is that the imitation of the name of the famous and innocent products today is its rich password that year.

The predecessor of Mingchuang Youpin was the "Oh" chain priced jewelry brand founded by Ye Guofu in 2004. The purple signboard with "Oh, ah," there are no "exotic flavors" in the brand image.In the early 2010s, the competition of "oh" to the face of huge losses in the face of the competition of online e -commerce.Ye Guofu's rescue plan is based on Japan's 100 yuan store, plus a chain franchise mode similar to a good chain, and re -launched the "Japanese flavor" famous and innocent products.

Mingchuang Youpin quickly took off after its release in 2013, and the company's revenue reached 17 billion yuan (about S $ 3.45 billion) during its peak in 2018.

The brand story of Mingchuang Youpin is a microcosm of the "imitation of foreign tide" from the 2000s to the early 2010s.The Sheinside (named SHEIN in 2012), established in 2008, has the shadow of the Spanish clothing brand ZARA; Murus brand Mu Si was in a "fake foreign brand" storm in 2021;He was pointed out by foreign media to plagiarize Apple.

Over the past year, Western brands HM, Nike and Adidas have all fallen into "insulting China" due to Xinjiang cotton issues.The most direct detonation point of famous public opinion has set off a fierce public opinion rebound this time.However, this is also reflected from the side that in the increasingly sensitive international, political, and social environment, Chinese brands have no "death gold medal" in front of public opinion.

"Foreign Foreign Brands", which is trying to enter the domestic and foreign markets, faces double problems.In the context of China's domestic national emotions, tight Chinese and foreign relations, and rising national self -confidence, domestic markets have set off a wave of domestic goods, and foreign strategies are rapidly failed; in overseas markets, many consumers still have a set of negative impression of Chinese brands.And may also be resisted overseas due to sensitive international political issues.How to turn around gorgeously in the environment of the thorns and gradually take off his "imitation" coat is the difficulty of these brands that must face.

Mingchuang Youpin believes that this problem has long been realized. Since this year, some netizens have discovered that their stores have removed the Japanese on the signboard and gradually changed into a Chinese signboard.However, Mingchuang Youpin is obviously still exploring the transformation path.