The article published by the Global Authoritative Medical Journal New England Medicine refers to the discovery of a new virus "Langya" in China, which can be transmitted to humans through animals and induced dead -natured diseases.

Comprehensive Surging News and Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency reported that Global Authoritative Medical Magazine New England Medicine (NEJM) recently published a communication article in cooperation between Chinese and Singapore scientists. The article is called in Shandong and Henan, ChinaA new animal -derived Henipavirus, which can be infected with human beings.The author named it Langya Henipavirus (Layv).

It is reported that there are currently 35 people infected, and genomic testing shows that 鼩鼱 may be the natural host of the virus.It has not been determined whether Layv can pass on.

Among the 35 patients with acute infections, 26 people have no other pathogens, they have fever symptoms, and more than half of people include fatigue, cough, anorexia, etc.Symptoms such as muscle soreness, nausea, headache, vomiting, etc., 8%have even damaged renal function.

In the serum survey of 25 kinds of animals, it was found that the serum positive ratio of the serum is the highest, which is 27%. It is speculated that the virus may be the natural host of the virus;Essence

One of the above researchers, Professor Wang Linfa, the National University of Singapore's National University of Medicine, said in an interview on Monday (August 8), "This virus belongs to the same genus as Nippa virus. So far, these so far, these so farCases are not fatal or very serious. Therefore, it can be said that (we) should be vigilant about this new virus, rather than panic. But we need to be careful, because there are more similar viruses in nature, if there is a different virus, there is a different virus.Jumping to humans may be different. "

Hennipo virus is one of the important emerging causes of people and animals in the Asia -Pacific region.There are currently two viruses in this virus that can be infected with humans: Hendra Virus Hev and Nipah Virus Niv.The natural hosts of these two viruses are fruit bats.Both viruses can cause severe diseases of animals and humans, and are listed as a biological safety level 4 virus with a mortality rate between 40%and 75%.

Researchers pointed out that Layv, as a newly discovered Hennipo virus that may come from animals, is related to human fever diseases. This discovery is worthy of further research to better understand related human beingsdisease.

For the Hennepa virus, the World Health Organization pointed out that once there are suspected cases, they should be quarantined as soon as possible, and infection control measures should be taken as soon as possible to immediately notify the official health official.