The Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China has said that in the past ten years, it has focused on building a modern economic system, achieving a leap in comprehensive strength and urban functions.

Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng on Monday (August 8) attended the "China Ten Years" theme press conference held by the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Monday (August 8), saying that Shanghai has insisted on building a world since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The influential socialist modern metropolis, and thanked the Chinese President Xi Jinping for five times in ten years to visit Shanghai for guidance, make important instructions and handle major tasks, and pointed out the direction of Shanghai's development.

At the same time, Gong Zheng, the deputy secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that in the past ten years, Shanghai has focused on building a modern economic system. The city's GDP has increased from 2.13 trillion yuan in 2012 to 4.32 trillion yuan in 2021(RMB, the same below, about S $ 881.5 billion), ranking fourth in the world's cities; Per capita GDP also increased from $ 14,200 to $ 26,900, reaching the level of medium -developed countries.In addition, the Shanghai modern industrial system was initially formed, and the value -added of the tertiary industry accounted for more than 73%of the city's GDP from 60%to more than 73%.

He also said that Shanghai also focused on improving urban energy levels and core competitiveness, so that the international economy, finance, trade, and shipping centers were basically completed.Yuan, the total amount of goods in the port has maintained the world's first place in the world, and Shanghai Port container throughput ranks first in the world for 12 consecutive years.

Gong Zheng said that in the past ten years, Shanghai has focused on strengthening the role of national strategic traction, promoting Pudong Socialist modernization construction leading zone, accelerating the special economic functions of the new area of the Port Pilot Zone in the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and pushing the Yangtze River Delta.The development of the four sessions has been successfully held in a row. In addition, the number of companies in Shanghai has the number of enterprises in the country. The regional headquarters and foreign -funded research and development centers of multinational companies have reached 857 and 516 respectively.US dollar (about 413.9 billion yuan).

He also said that in the past decadeFrom 82.41 years old to 84.11 years old, the quality of air and water environment has created the best level since monitoring records, and said that Shanghai has always been one of the safest cities in the world.

Gong Zheng said that in the past ten years, political construction has been put first in the past ten years, strengthened innovation theory, loyalty to support the "two establishments", resolutely achieve "two maintenance";The National Congress Memorial Hall, deepened grass -roots party building, and launched a number of new era of grass -roots party building and innovation practice bases.At the same time, we will promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and continue to improve the "four responsibilities collaboration" mechanisms. They dare not rot, cannot rot, and do not want to rot.

Gong Zheng also mentioned that since March of this year, Shanghai has encountered an unprecedented severe and complex epidemic situation, but under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, with the strong support of relevant central departments, all over the country, and the people's army, they have adhered to the people.The supremacy and life are the first, winning the battle for the Greater Shanghai.