China has decided to sanction Pelosi and its direct relatives

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 5th, Perlis, the president of the United States Congress, regardless of China's serious concern and resolutely opposed to insignificant to the platform, seriously interfered in China's internal affairs, seriously damaged China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and seriously trampled a China principle.Seriously threatened the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. In response to the bad provocative acts of Pelosi, China has decided to take sanctions on Pelosi and its direct relatives in accordance with the relevant laws of the People's Republic of China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently summoned the Japanese ambassador to China

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on August 5th, on August 4, 2022, Deng Li, deputy minister of China Foreign Ministry, was ordered to urgently call the Japanese ambassador to China, and the foreign minister of the Seventh National Group and the EU diplomacy and securityThe senior representative of the policy issued a statement of error -related errors to the Japanese side to submit a serious negotiation to the Japanese side.

Deng Li said that Japanese guys issued a wrong statement related to Taiwan with the Seven Kingdoms Group and the European Union, reversing black and white, hitting a rake, and indulging in the wrong act of Perosi to go to Taiwan and infringe on Chinese sovereignty., Rudely interfered with China's internal affairs, seriously violated the basic principles of international relations and the four political documents of China and Japan, and sent a serious error signal to the international community. The nature impact was very bad.China resolutely opposed it and strongly condemned it.

Deng Li pointed out that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. The issue of Taiwan is purely in the Chinese internal affairs. History is clear and clear.Regardless of China's resolutely opposed to political provocations on the stage, he seriously violated a Chinese principle, maliciously violated Chinese sovereignty, aroused strong indignation of the Chinese people, and caused widespread opposition in the international community.In order to maintain sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose the division of the country, the Chinese government adopts the reasonable and legal, and the righteousness of countermeasures.Opposing division and realizing the unity of the motherland are the strong will of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people.We are willing to strive for peaceful and unified prospects with the greatest sincerity, maximum patience, and maximum efforts, and will also oppose splitting at the most determined determination, at all means, and at any cost.

Deng Li emphasized that Taiwan's issue is related to the political foundation of China -Japan relations and the basic faith between the two countries.Japan has long colonized Taiwan for a long time, and has a serious historical crime on the Taiwan issue that should be more cautious.China has strongly urged the Japanese side to abide by the four political documents of China and Japan and make political commitments made on the issue of Taiwan, stop interfered in the Chinese internal affairs, carefully handle the issue of Taiwan -related issues, and do not go further and further on the wrong road.