(Beijing Comprehensive News) A private sector survey announced on Wednesday (August 3) shows that as the epidemic prevention measures are generally relaxed and stimulate consumer confidence, the Chinese service industry has achieved the fastest growth in 15 months in July in July 15 months.speed.However, many companies have reduced employment manpower for seven consecutive months due to decline in foreign demand.

Caixin China ’s July Service Industry Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) recorded 55.5, which was a 1 percentage point from 54.5 in June. It was a new high since May 2021 for two consecutive months.

According to Caixin.com, with the general relaxation of epidemic prevention measures, the resumption of work and re -production continued to advance, and the prosperity of the service industry continued to rise in July, showing that the service industry recovered speed, and the backlog business volume index of the service industry has since since July 2021 since July 2021Falling into the contraction range for the first time.The service industry's operational activities have improved, the industry confidence has increased, and the expected index of business in July has also risen to the highest in December 2021.

From the perspective of sub -item data, the service industry supply and demand continued to recover in July. The business activity index and the new order index rose slightly in the expansion range, rising to the highest in nearly 15 months and nearly nine months, respectively.

Although the supply and demand of the service industry has gradually recovered, employment continues to deteriorate.In July, the employment index of the service industry fell below the Rongku Line for the seventh consecutive month, and fell slightly from June.The report pointed out that this is mainly because the enterprise has compressed the scale of work because of controlling costs, and did not fill the vacancies after employees voluntarily left.Some companies still stated that business activities continue to be restricted by the epidemic.

Reuters quoted China Blood Book International President Leland Miller, saying that this may be because companies do not believe their "virus clear" nightmares have ended.

In addition, the new export order index fell in the contraction range in July, showing that the external demand was still relatively weak.In July, the costs of food, fuel, raw materials and employment rose, and the service industry investment price index rose in the expansion range, ending the decline since April this year.Due to the increase in investment costs, the service industry's deportation price index is higher than the critical point for the third consecutive month, but due to weak demand, the price increase is limited.