Ukrainian President Zeleiski said he hopes to "Direct Talks" with Chinese President Xi Jinping to seek pressure on Russia through economic and political measures to help end Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Hong Kong South China Morning Post was published on Thursday (August 4).In an interview, Zelei said that China is a very powerful country, a powerful economy, and China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. Therefore, China can affect Russia politically and economically.

He said: "I want to talk directly. I had a conversation with President Xi Jinping a year ago." "Since the large -scale aggression on February 24 this year, we have officially requested to talk, andBut we (not yet) have any dialogue with China, although I think it is very helpful. "

Zelei Sky pointed out that Xi Jinping is one of the few world -leaders who have visited Ukraine.EssenceAlthough Zerrenki hopes that China will take a different attitude towards the Russian and U -wars, he also said that he has always hoped that the relationship between Ukraine and China will be strengthened and can make progress every year.Zelei Sky also added that Xi Jinping warmly recalled his relationship with Ukraine during his conversation last year.

According to the data of the Ukraine Embassy in China, China ranked first among Ukraine's major trading partners in 2021, with bilateral trade value of US $ 18.9 billion (S $ 26 billion).

Zeleiski said that I believe that China and Ukraine adhere to similar values, such as love for families and children, and everyone wants to live in peace and stability.

Zelei said that he understands that China wants to maintain a balanced attitude towards the war, but the focus is on the premise that this conflict is based on Russia's unreasonable invasion of Ukraine's sovereignty.As a big country and a strong country, he hopes that China can review his attitude towards the Russian Federation.

He urged China to use its status in the United Nations Security Council to show "Russia needs to abide by international norms."In addition, he hopes that China can restrict trade with Russia until the end of the war.Zelei Sky believes that China has economic leverage to force Russia to end the war. If Russia does not have a Chinese market, Russia will be completely in a dilemma of economic isolation.

In addition, he also mentioned that Russia is currently facing severe sanctions in Western countries in various fields. Therefore, Russia is currently purchasing semiconductors from Asian countries outside Western diplomacy to make weapons.Kiev's intelligence department works as effective as China, so the Ukrainian government knows which countries in this area for help.

But Zeelianzki said that he did not want to point to these countries to draw hands, but to concentrate on unifying the entire world and oppose Russia's tyranny.

When asked whether China welcomes China to assist in the reconstruction country, Zerrenzki said that Russian missile attacks have destroyed infrastructure in many Ukrainian cities.The world can contribute to this process."I really hope that the whole world can be united in this process."

Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24 this year, Western countries, Japan and other countries have taken severe sanctions on Russia.But so far, China and India have rejected sanctions on Russia and have repeatedly emphasized that they hope to resolve conflicts between Russia and Ukraine through dialogue.

Nikolay Kudashev, a special envoy in Singapore, said in an interview with the South China Morning Post on Monday that Russia's sanctions and accusations from Western countries, Moscow's status in Asia is still not shaken, and RussiaThe impression in Asia is still "Snow-WHITE", and he also said that the measures taken by Western countries have failed.

Since the outbreak of the conflict, Zeleiuski has provided more assistance to Ukraine through social media and interviews with dozens of media.Interview with media.