After the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China was almost affirmed that Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Pelosi, would come to Taiwan.Scholars of interviewees pointed out that Beijing realized that it was difficult to make Pelosi aware of it and turned their focus to fighting for international public opinion support to avoid continuous tough attitude caused military conflicts.

Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Foreign Minister Meeting in Uzbekistan on Tuesday (August 2) and visited Central Asia.When he was interviewed by the media, he attacked Perosi to visit Taiwan when he was interviewed, saying that "some American politicians only care about their own selfishness, blatantly play fire on the Taiwan issue, and will have a good end with 1.4 billion Chinese people."

Wang Yi said that the United States on the issue of Taiwan "rejection of belief that it is unyielding", which can only further bankrupt the national reputation."The U.S. bullying face is exposed to the world, and only the people of all countries can see it. The United States is the biggest destroyer of peace today."

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying reiterated during a routine press conference on the same day that China pays close attention to the Perlis itinerary. "If the United States is intended, China will take resolute and effective measures to safeguard the sovereignty and security interests of China."" ".

Wang Yi and Hua Chunying's statement softened compared to the previous day of another foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian.Zhao Lijian warned the United States again on Monday Perosi's visit to Taiwan, saying that "China is waiting strictly, and the Chinese People's Liberation Army will never sit and see it."Defend your sovereignty ?? and territorial integrity.?

Scholars: The strategy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is relatively pragmatic

Zhu Feng, dean of the School of International Relations of Nanjing University, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs had previously revealed a tough position, hoping to let Pelosi know that it was difficult to retreat.When the news of all parties has clearly pointed to Pelosi to visit Taiwan, it is of great significance to continue its toughness; if the military aircraft interception is not expected, the fourth Taiwan Strait crisis may be unavoidable, and the security, cross -strait relations and Sino -US relations in East Asia will bringGreat impact.

Zhu Feng said: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decreased, reflecting that China still adopts a relatively pragmatic strategy when dealing with the crisis of Perosi."

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology of Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, analyzed in an interview that the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued to pressure the United States from the level of political and diplomatic at the time when the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was decreasing.After Taiwan, the mayor of China and the United States broke out in a pavement.

Hua Chunying spoke in a large space on Tuesday, and refuted US Secretary of State Brills from five aspects that Ruo Perosi visited Taiwan and China upgraded the tension between the Taiwan Strait to upgrade the "responsibility is exactly in Beijing".

She pointed out that "the whole world is very clear". It is the US provocation that leads to the upgrading of the Taiwan Strait. The United States should also have all responsibility for this.

Hua Chunying said that as a component of the US government, the US Congress should strictly abide by the US government's recognition and commitment of foreign policy.As a U.S. government, the US Speaker, "visit" Taiwan by US military aircraft, "is by no means an unofficial behavior."Individual politicians in the United States should not constitute a precedent in the past, let alone become an excuse for the United States to "mistakenly add mistakes" in the United States.

She added that in recent years, the United States has verbally claimed to adhere to a Chinese principle, but the action has continued to retreat, and even blur and empty the principles of China.She pointed out that the United States and Taiwan provoked the first, and China's legitimate defense was in the future. In the face of the United States ignored China's repeated strictly negotiating, it was arrogant that "any countermeasures in China will be legitimate and necessary."

Hua Chunying finally emphasized that China will never leave any space for any form of "Taiwan independence" forces.If the United States is alone, the "all serious consequences" will be responsible for the "all serious consequences".

Zhu Feng analyzed that China ’s strong response and continuous pressure over the past few days have caused the international community to pay great attention to the Perosi visit to Taiwan. Many American media have also expressed strong concerns about the tension in East Asia that may trigger.

"A missionary of the parliament that is about to leave has attracted such a great international concern, and it is indeed unusual. From the perspective of the impact of international and US domestic public opinion, the Chinese approach has achieved effects."