According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Late at night on August 2, Xie Feng, deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, was ordered to urgently summon the US ambassador to China Berns, on behalf of the Chinese government to visit Taiwan, Perlis, the Chinese government,The region proposed to the United States with a serious negotiation and strong protest.

Xie Feng said that Pelosi rushes to the world, deliberately provoking the fire, seriously violated the three joint communiqué regulations of a Chinese principle and China and the United States.Completeity with the territory, severely destroy the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, and send a serious error signal to the "Taiwan independence" division forces.The nature is extremely bad and the consequences are extremely serious.China will never sit down.

The U.S. government must bear responsibility. For a period of time, the United States has said one set, constantly distorting, tampering, blurring, and emptying a Chinese principle.The key expression of the website "Taiwan is part of China" and other key expressions, incorporate Taiwan into the so -called "Indo -Pacific Strategy", enhance the relationship between the United States and Taiwan, and intensify the promotion of Taiwan's military sales."The split activity stood up. The US government should have restricted Perosi to do it arrogantly to stop Pelossey's inversion, but let it go, to exacerbate the tension of the Taiwan Strait, and seriously damage Sino -US relations.

Xie Feng pointed out that the United States must pay the price for his mistakes.China will take the necessary measures to resolutely countercrofizability, and we say it. Anyone attempts to manipulate Taiwan's issue to get political capital, and will only "bamboo baskets in water for a while". Fantasy to make "Taiwan cards" to make political heritage, and will eventually be nailed to the shame of history.The United States should immediately correct the mistakes and take practical measures to eliminate the bad influence of Pelosi.Do not add wrong and upgrade the situation, and lead the situation in Taiwan and China and the United States to an unpredictable situation.

China once again urged the United States to cliff, stop provoking things on the Taiwan issue, stop indulging in supporting the "Taiwan independence" division forces, stop playing "Taiwan cards" in any form, "controlled China", stop intervening in Taiwan affairs, interference in interferenceIn the Chinese internal affairs, in accordance with the provisions of a Chinese principle and the three joint communiqués of China and the United States, the "Four Unconsciousness" commitments made by the United States leaders must not go further and further on the road of errors and dangers.

Xie Feng emphasized that The general trend is irreversible, public opinion cannot be contrary, and it will be self -immolation. Taiwan is Taiwan in China, and will eventually return to the arms of the motherland.The Chinese people are not afraid of ghosts, fearlessness, or faith.In the hearts of the Chinese people, nothing is more sacred than defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and nothing is more important than maintaining and realizing national unity.No country, any forces, or anyone should underestimate the strong determination, determination and strong ability of the Chinese government and the people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, realize the national unity and national rejuvenation.

Source: official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs