After the "difficulty of withdrawing" of Cai Huimin Village Bank, Henan, Henan, China, the three shareholders of its three shareholders were frozen by millions of shares, and the total amount of frozen a total of 61 million yuan (RMB, the same below, about 12.43 million yuan)Essence

According to the AI Finance News Agency on Monday (August 1), Tianyancha APP information shows that Zhengzhou Qirun Science and Technology Co., Ltd., which holds the bank's 4%equity,Zhumadian Chengjin Trading Co., Ltd. and Fantaid Trading Co., Ltd., which holds 3%of the bank's equity in Zhumadian City, have frozen 2 million, 2.5 million, and 1 million, respectively.

Data show that the frozen period is from July 29, 2022 to July 28, 2024, and the executive court is the Yuzhou Public Security Bureau.

According to statistics, since June of this year, the equity of Shang Cai Huimin Village Bank Co., Ltd., which has been held by many shareholders, has been frozen, with a frozen amount of 61 million yuan.

Henan Yuzhou Xinminxin Village Bank, Huanghuai Village Bank of Tancheng, Shangcai Huimin Village Bank, Kaifeng New Oriental Village Bank in April this year cannot withdraw money to withdraw money. According to the rights protection, the affected depositorsHundreds of thousands of people involved as high as 30 billion yuan.

The announcement issued by the Henan Banking Insurance Bureau and the Local Financial Supervision Bureau of Henan Province last Friday (July 29) showed that from 9 am on Monday, four houses including Shanghai Huimin Village BankThe bank's third batch of mats, the cushion target is an out -of -account business customer with a single person's single -person principal of 100,000 to 150,000 yuan, and continues to pay for customers with a amount of less than 100,000 yuan.