Three days after the Chinese social media became phenomenon -level videos, Ershi ruled my spiritual internal consumption and was accused of fiction, which caused heated discussions again.

Phoenix Weekly Sunday (July 31) reported that the short film involves fictional content, and the video of the video is not its nephew.Station) Recommended recommendations.

As soon as the news came out, the entry that "Eryi short films involved in the content of the content fiction have been revoked" appeared on Weibo hot search, but netizens found that the video is still included in station B "must be weekly" must be every week.Looking at the "column, articles related to Phoenix Weekly are no longer visible.

This short film was first launched on Station B on Monday (July 25). At present, there are more than 37 million views and 63,000 comments at Station B.5000000.

Although the video has not been canceled, the network discussion about whether the video content is fiction is still continuing.

The short film stated that "second -time" was permanently disabled by a barefoot doctor after being sick, and the old dean of the local hospital said that it was due to spinal cord mellaritis (pediatric paralysis).In addition, the video narration stated that the disability certificate of "Erji" was "I can't do it." But in an interview with the media in the media that the system showed that the "Erji" in 1990 had a disability certificate, and and and that and the system had a disabled card, and it was already a disabled certificate, and it was already a disability certificate, and it was already a disability certificate, and it was already a disability certificate.Said, "What sent out is different from us, and we are currently verifying them one by one."

According to Red Star News, many neighbors of the "Er" said in an interview that the video content was "eighty -nine % true."

Video producers said in an interview with the media after the short film became popular, saying that "each word is real" in the video, and said that it also deleted some "more legendary things".

For this matter, some Weibo netizens said, "I don't care about the authenticity of this video, I like this video, and some of them are infected by the second sister in the video." Some netizens commented that if the original authorAt the beginning, it was said that there was a fictional component, but it was not a big deal, but "he vowed that every word was real, and then it was proven to be false.It is embarrassing to have such a layer of copper odor. "