The chairman of the China Securities Supervision and Administration Commission Yi Hui Man emphasized that it resolutely prevent market failure and cause abnormal fluctuations.

The article published on Monday (August 1), a website of Yizhen, wrote that the stock market has risen or decline.Spending money to buy the index; but not intervention is not at any self -current, you must always adhere to the bottom line of thinking and resolutely prevent abnormal fluctuations in "market failure".This requires the bottom line of the risk and grasp.

He believes that the stability of the capital market is not kept, but it is changed. It must maintain a constant force and insist on stimulating the vitality of the market through reform and enhance the endogenous motivation of market toughness and high -quality development.

Yi Hui Man also said that the CSRC will continue to maintain the stable operation of the market as the top priority of the work, and take the initiative to strengthen communication and coordination with the macroeconomic management department and industry authority, to maintain policy expectations for policy expectationsThe stability and consistency of the real estate enterprise will be helped to effectively resolve the risks of real estate enterprises, promote the healthy development of the platform's economic norms, and strive to promote the market stability and economic stability.