China Commercial Aircraft Corporation announced that the company's C919 large passenger aircraft has completed the test flight.

China COMAC announced this information on WeChat on WeChat.

The so -called "evidence collection and test flight" refers to the test flight work to obtain the aircraft availability issued by the Chinese Civil Aviation Administration.

The company said at a meeting held last month that the six trial flights of the C919 were completed, marking that the C919 evidence collection work officially entered the final stage.

Critics Wu Wei once told Shenzhen Satellite TV's news platform "Straight News" that after C919 received a certificate, he could formally invest in operations in China.

According to the People's Daily report, C919 large passenger aircraft is a large jet civil aircraft developed by China in accordance with international civil aviation regulations and has independent intellectual property rights. In November 2015Shoufei, currently has 815 orders with 28 customers.