ChinaRecently, some animals have become a target for epidemic prevention policies, but it is not crown disease, but a chronic local infectious disease called "black fever".

Weibo on Tuesday (July 26) circulated a document issued by the People's Government Office of Jingzhuang Mining Area, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province on June 28.The document stipulates that in order to prevent and control the occurrence and popularity of black fever, it will be prohibited from raising dogs in the region for three years from August 1st this year.The killing disposal, at the same time, the stray dog will be fully killed.

The document also stipulates that any dog raising can be prohibited within the jurisdiction of the mining area. If you find that dogs breeding without regulations will be killed immediately.

Policy documents released by the district government,The official request for the prohibition of residents to raise dogs for three years.(Weibo) Policy documents circulating on the Internet, Officially demanded that the stray dogs are killed in an all -round way.(Weibo)

Regardless of what "black fever" is, the focus of online public opinion is concentrated on the two points of "three years of banning dogs" and "killing".Some netizens believe that the Shijiazhuang Municipal Government's "one -size -fits -all" approach is contrary to human nature and extremely cruel. Raising dogs should be personal freedom. The official should be forced to raise dogs to apply for a certificate and do a good health instead of raising.

After the news flowed out, the upstream news confirmed the existence of the documents on Wednesday from the staff of the mayor of Shijiazhuang City. The staff of the People's Government of Jingli Mining Area stated on the same day that the policy is still in the stage of research.

Surging News also confirmed from the staff of the Shijiazhuang City Government Service Hotline on Thursday. The district government's explanation document released by the black fever prevention and control at the end of June, it is indeed mentioned that it requires the registration of the dogs in the district to register the registered registered registration., Establish a ledger, "There are requesting pet dogs and killing stray dogs."

Finally, under the pressure of various public opinion, local officials announced the withdrawal of this rule on Thursday morning.The fetus is dead.

What is "black fever"?

But what exactly is "black fever"?How serious is the condition?So that local governments have to prohibit residents from raising dogs, and all stray dogs have to be killed to resist?

Public information shows that black fever is a chronic local infectious disease infected and parasitic in human or animals. It was popular in the north of the Yangtze River in the past.sick.Patients will have symptoms such as long -term irregular fever, fatigue, night sweats, nightsticks, hepatos and spleen, anemia, and reduced immunity.If not treated in time, one to two years after the onset can die due to deterioration.

Disease control website information shows that patients and infected animals are the source of infection and spread through white bite.Dogs may also be sick and are the main animal host and source of infection of black fever in the hills in China.

According to the data of the China National Health and Health Commission, the first five months of the first five months of this year, a total of 134 cases of black fever in China were notified. Among them, a death case was reported in February.More than 200 cases were reported in 2020 and 2021, of which one person died in 2020.

The "Release of Shijiazhuang City Mining Area" WeChat account issued on June 21 this year, saying that Shijiazhuang City was once a blown -up area in the history of Shijiazhuang. After decades of notifying cases in the city after decades after 1962.However, since 2019, Jingzheng County has reported 17 cases of cases. The mining areas, near Luquan and other places have notified the discovery cases in March this year, which has expanded.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the Jingli Mining Area also requires that the patriotic health campaign is carried out in the entire region, organizing large -scale white cricket elimination activities, and also advocating dog breeding dogs for three years to rapidly curb the spread of black fever.

It can be seen that the black fever epidemic has indeed happened and signs of spreading, but the ban issued by the local governments still causes the people to rebound, and whether these actions can effectively control the epidemic conditions are also questioned.

The rationality and effectiveness of the prohibition and harmless treatment

The "Qilu One Point" under the Qilu Evening News published a review article on Thursday, saying that the black fever is a chronic local infectious disease.It should be prevented and controlled early, but the practice of coronary disease resistance for more than two years has proved that the prevention and control of epidemic should respect science and emphasize precise prevention and control, rather than abuse of brute force.

The article believes that the policy of the Jingli Mining District of Shijiazhuang City is that there is no basis for the law, and the "red light" of the law has made the law. As long as the citizens can raise dogs in accordance with the law and civilized dogs, the relevant departments have no right to interfere.

In addition, although the scope of the Jingyu mining area is not large and the permanent population is not large, the amount of dog ownership is also a considerable number. If the regulations of comprehensive killing are carefully implemented, it will cause various contradictions and conflicts, affect the society, affect the society, and affect the society.Harmony and stability, rationality and legitimacy.Even for rabies that are more common and harmful to public safety, local governments have not introduced policies for raising dogs.

Therefore, the article believes that the ban departs from the rule of law and the scientific track, which also deviates from the "mass line". It is a typical "head decision".Be wary and correct.

In fact, the decision -making decision of Shijiazhuang Jingjing Mining Area is not a precedent for the disposal of virus animals in China. In order to control the crown disease epidemic in Shanghai, Chengdu, Sichuan, and Jiangxi, it has also been on the citizens' homes.Pet dogs, cats, etc. are "harmless", but they are criticized for public opinion criticism, showing that this has become the cultural bottom line of many Chinese people.

mutual mutual in April this year A video displayed by the InternetThe staff wearing a white epidemic prevention clothing, holding a puppy on the side of the road in a community in Shanghai, hitting a puppy and killing it alive.(Internet)

At present, it seems that there is no conclusion whether "harmless treatment" can effectively control the spread of the epidemic.However, in addition to epidemiological disputes, it also involves ethical and moral issues.

The dispute over ethics and epidemic prevention

According to the white paper of China's pet consumption trend released in May this year, the Chinese pet market size is expected to exceed 350 billion yuan (RMBIn the same, about 71.688 billion yuan), it is expected to reach 445.6 billion yuan in 2023, which shows that the number of pets and consumers' willingness to spend money for pets are constantly increasing.

2018In a pet shop in Shanghai in the year, a pet dog was learning to swim.(Internet)

In the hearts of many people, pet dogs and cats are not only animals, but also family, spiritual comfort, and soul sustenance.Whether it is forbidden or so -called humanitivity to pets, it is by no means irrelevant.

CCTV issued a comment last November that pets cannot be regarded as beasts, and they come and go until they are lingering.

The comments of the "Modern Express All Media" also pointed out that dog management is not only a city management issue, but also a civilized issue of how a person gets along with animals.Directly prohibit domestic dogs without being able to trace the source, not only seemingly hasty and unreasonable, but also exposes the lack of urban management literacy and refined management capabilities from the side;Management "Advanced Black".

Although the personal emotions of pets and residents may not seem to be so important before the epidemic prevention of epidemic prevention.Remind all parties again: Humanized management is one of the indispensable indicators to improve the people's happiness, and it is also an important verification of the level of governance of local governments.

The governance of a city is indeed an important indicator of economic development and public infrastructure. HoweverThe problem is not a problem.From this way, the Chinese people pay more and more attention. It is inevitable that it will be the sense of personal and property security of themselves and their families, a sense of social fairness and justice, and a sense of balance of power and rights.