Indonesia President Zoko ended on Tuesday (July 26).The Chinese ambassador to Indonesia, Lu Kang, said that the Indonesian people know where they have suffered from where they have suffered from.Autonomy.China particularly hopes that countries in the region will strengthen cooperation and jointly work in the stable development of the region.It is hoped that such a willingness to work can be respected by out -of -domain forces.

Lu Kang said in an exclusive interview with Peng Mei News that Zoko's visit to China this time, the two sides reached a consensus on some important matters and documents.Including Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Zako, the Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Keqiang met with Zoko, and China and Indonesia also issued a joint news statement on the meeting of the heads of state of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Indonesia.In addition, During the visit, both Indonesia also reached seven cooperation documents.It can be seen from this that China and Indonesia's current positioning, the direction of the next development, and some specific measures of the cooperation between the two countries are very high.

Lu Kang believes that the head of the head of state has always played an important strategic leadership and important promoting role in the development of bilateral relations.This time, the important achievements and important consensus reached by Zako's visit to China and its Chinese leaders mainly included three aspects.

First, based on the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2013, the two countries have reached a prominent consensus on this meeting, that is, the two parties will work together to build the destiny of China and Indonesia.Work hard in the direction of the community.This pointed out an important direction for the further development of relations between the two countries and laid an important framework.

The second is that since the launch of the “Belt and Road” co -construction cooperation between China and Indonesia, many achievements have been achieved in many traditional fields.In addition to further consolidating and strengthening the cooperation of traditional fields, the topic of the two sides also mentioned some new fields, such as the digital economy, green economy, and joint research on vaccines and genes.

Third, under the current international situation, China and Indonesia, as an important developing country, actually actually have a lot of common interests, positions and attitudes, especially for some issues that need to face and deal with.For example, the geopolitical situation in Europe and its global impact, including the economic recovery; for example, the macro policies of some major economies have impact on this after the global economic recovery problem after the crown disease epidemic.

In the above aspects, China and Indonesia, as two important countries in the region, two important emerging economies, and two important developing countries, should strengthen cooperation.China is the rotating chairman of the "BRICS" this year. Indonesia is the rotating chairman of the G20 (G20) Group (G20). Next year will also serve as the ASEAN rotating chairman. The two sides will play an important leading role in international affairs.At this moment, the leaders of the two sides were "right to watch" and reached a lot of consensus on major international issues exchange opinions. It is believed that it will have a very important impact on promoting international cooperation.In this visit, the heads of state of the two countries agreed to establish the general direction of the Community of Destiny and Indonesia's destiny in China. Lu Kang said that China's cooperation with Indonesia is found in 2013. In 2013, China and Indonesia have jointly established a comprehensive strategic partnership relationship.Under the framework of this relationship, the two sides have achieved many results in various fields and directions in various fields and directions that are later added at the maritime.

Now, the general direction of creating a community of destiny in China has been established.First, in response to the reality of the best level of history in China and Indonesia, it needs to further create a more close cooperation framework that conforms to the fundamental interests of the two countries.Second, internationally, China and Indonesia are facing many problems and tasks that need to be solved as developing countries. Therefore, China and Indonesia create a closer community of destiny in the international community and form more close cooperation.It is conducive to promoting developing countries in international affairs to make a stronger voice and better protect common interests.

During the visit to China, the chairman of the United States Chief of Staff Milly said that China was "more aggressive and more dangerous" in Indonesia.The "Chinese threat", who wants to mobilize the disagreement between countries in the region, make tensions in the region, and serve their geopolitical maps. In fact, China has repeatedly stated its position.

Lu Kang said, sincerely persuaded some Americans, do not underestimate the determination of the Indonesian people and the Indonesian government to adhere to independent foreign policies.Judging, don't think that he knows the interests of Indonesia better than the Indonesian people than the Indonesian people.

He pointed out that Indonesia is a country with independent diplomatic tradition. Such an independent foreign policy is obtained from its history and lessons from history.The Indonesian people are very clear about where their threats have come from. The threats of colonialism they have suffered are not from the country's countries.It is not from the country.Therefore, the Indonesian people know where their threats are facing.

Some out -of -domain forces really don't really estimate the autonomous will of the Indonesian people to grasp their destiny.China particularly hopes that countries in the region will strengthen cooperation and jointly work in the stable development of the region.It is hoped that such a willingness to work can be respected by out -of -domain forces.In addition, in response to many Western media have expressed questions about the Yawan high -speed rail projects and other projects, Lu Kan said that the construction of the Yawan high -speed railway is advancing smoothly, and it has now completed 91%of all civil engineering projects.Relevant departments and participating companies in China and Indonesia are confident that they will complete the construction of the Yawan high -speed rail at the end of June next June in accordance with the requirements of the leaders of the two countries.

Lu Kang admitted that since the construction of the Yawan high -speed railway project, the project has indeed undergone changes in the situation, especially the crown disease epidemic has some impact on the entire supply chain logistics, construction, and personnel.However, China and Indonesia have conducted friendly consultations on these new factors and new problems, and they can also find a good solution to ensure that the project is completed at a high quality as scheduled.

Lu Kang also emphasized that some media are hype, the so -called "financial burden" problem of the so -called engineering, is nothing more than wanting to hype the so -called "Chinese debt issue".The Indonesian government has adopted a very rigorous policy in the country, and China's proportion of Chinese Treasury bonds is less than 1%.

He also said that in some other countries' debt, the actual proportion of Chinese debt is very low.Some countries have speculated that China's infrastructure projects have caused debt problems in Africa, but Chinese debt only accounts for less than 12%in Africa. Most of the debt is provided by some Western financial organizations.Don't mention this?

Lu Kang pointed out that some reports said that investment, loans and cooperation provided by China provided some developing countries with "unnecessary infrastructure". How can he call it "unnecessary"?Chinese people know that "to get rich and cultivate the road first" is a lesson in China, and it is also the experience that many developing countries have seen from the development of China.He believes that some Western media must be cautious, scientific, and responsible in the statement of such reports.Lu Kang finally said that he hoped that Indonesia could successfully hold the G20 Bali Summit this year, which is very important for the current international community to form consensus, condense strength, strengthen unity, and jointly respond to challenges.From the beginning, the Chinese government has stated that it has firmly supported Indonesia to host the G20 summit this year.In the process, China will further promote cooperation between the two countries.As a Chinese ambassador to Indonesia, this is definitely a focus of work in the next stage, and all aspects will be carried out around this focus.