Since the beginning of this year, many cities in China have introduced the loosening policy of the property market, and have released positive signals for the stable property market.At the same time, with the liberalization of the three -child policy, many cities have introduced related relaxation policies to many children.

According to the Beijing Daily client, incomplete statistics, as of now, more than 30 cities in China have given house support for many children's families.Give housing subsidies and other ways.Analysts believe that such policies reduce the pressure of house purchase of many children to a certain extent, thereby stimulating their demand for house purchase.At present, the policy optimization measures for multiple children's families may become a new trend of regulation in the property market.

Changsha issued a notice on July 22 to increase the maximum amount of the Changsha housing provident fund loan from 600,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, the same, S $ 122,700) to 700,000 yuan.In addition, the maximum amount of family housing provident fund loans for three children has increased to 800,000 yuan. Employee families purchase the second set of improved self -housing. The new policy will not adjust the down payment ratio of 60%to 40%.

In addition to Changsha, reducing the down payment ratio of housing provident fund and increasing the highest loan amount is a "loosening" measure for many cities for many children's families.

Since January 1, 2022, Ningbo has issued a new regulation. In accordance with the national fertility policy, two or three -child families have continuously paid the housing provident fund for two years.For the first self -living house, the maximum loan amount of the housing provident fund increased from 600,000 yuan/household to 800,000 yuan/household.In addition, for families with multiple houses, as long as there is no loan in the name, you can continue to apply for a loan.

In addition, cities such as Leshan and Mianyang have also introduced a house purchase subsidy policy for many children's families.In addition to increasing the amount of provident fund loans and providing subsidies for house purchase, Wuhan, Chengdu, Nanjing and other provincial capital cities, as well as new first -tier cities such as Dongguan and Xiamen, and second -tier cities also relaxed the purchase restriction policy for multiple children's families.

Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of the Easy House Research Institute, said that while cities relax and restrict purchase restrictions on multiple children, there are often other discounts.For example, multi -child families in Nanjing can also enjoy the support rate support of relevant banks' preferential loan interest rates, allowing the benefits of loans, and Hangzhou's three -child families can refer to the "houseless family" to prioritize the number when participating in the lottery.

Analysis of Yan Yuejin, from the evolution of the existing urban policies, the preferential housing policies of many children's families have gone through three stages.Among them, the preferential policy of public rental housing is the first step; next, enter the subsidy stage of the house purchase subsidy."Today, preferential policies in various children's families have entered the cancellation of purchase restrictions." Yan Yuejin said that in the future, combined with financial policies, such families may enjoy more loan interest rate support at the same time.