The Liaoning Dalian City Ethnic and Religious Bureau has the tablet of the Japanese Kanto Army Command, and comprehensively investigates the setting of a tablet at the place of religious activities. No irregular problems are found.

According to the "Dalian Municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau" WeChat public account on Thursday (July 28), in the early morning of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Party Committee and the Dalian Municipal Party Committee, the Dalian Municipal Ethnic and Religious Bureau Tuesday (7On the 26th), it quickly organized issues such as the setting up of the city's religious activity venues and other issues. A total of 26,710 super -grade cards were found, 14,623 prayer tablets prayed, and 12,542 prayers.After one verification, the tablet established by the religious event venue in Dalian City did not find irregular problems.

The report also stated that for overseas netizens who have been circulating on Tuesday, "I also set up a card to the Dalian Kwantung Army Command at Hengshan Temple in Dalian", and after receiving the receipt of the receipt of the Yokohanshan Temple in the high -tech zoneThe comparison is determined that the public security department has involved in the investigation without netizens who said that the Guanzhong military tablet is the case.

The notification states that the next step will be administrative management of religious affairs involving national interests and social public interests in accordance with the law to maintain normal religious order.Guide the religious community to continue to carry out patriotism, collectivism, and socialist education, and effectively enhance the national awareness, citizenship, and the rule of law of religious people.

The Dalian National and Religious Bureau will also support the comprehensive and strict religion in the religious community, and effectively improve the level of self -education, self -management, and self -restraint.At the same time, instruct Dalian religious groups to further clarify the requirements of the establishment of a tablet in religious activities, standardize the establishment of conditions, strengthen process management, resolutely prevent problems such as violations of laws and regulations, violations of public order, damage to national interests, and harm of national feelings.Harmony and stability.

After the incident of the Japanese war criminal tablet at Xuanzang Temple in Nanjing, the Chinese Buddhist Association requested that the temples in various places to investigate the dedication tablet, and said that they would pay close attention to the construction of teaching style and promote comprehensive and strict education.The National Bureau of Religious Affairs of China has also issued a notice asking localities to guide the religious community to learn lessons and carry out comprehensive self -inspection and rectification of the venues of religious activities.