(Chengdu / Chongqing Comprehensive News) In order to prevent and control black fever in Jingli Mining District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, it was originally planned to prohibit dog breeding from the region for three years from August 1st this year, and at the same time, the stray dogs were fully killed.This move has been suspended after the external controversy.

Comprehensive Red Star News and upstream news reports, a document issued by the Government of Jingli Mining District, Shijiazhuang City on Tuesday (July 26), on Tuesday (July 26), was published on June 28.Attachment shows that in order to prevent and control the occurrence and popularity of black fever, the district government has decided to "three years for raising dogs for three years" throughout the region, with a time limit from August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2025.

The document stipulates that any dog raising only in the jurisdiction of the mining area is prohibited from raising a dog raising, and dogs that violate regulations without authorization are found to kill them.

For domestic dogs, before the end of July 2022, the community neighborhood committee must be reported. The animal quarantine department will be tested on the household dogs.The test results are positive and are treated as soon as possible; all the dogs who have a positive dog community are all concentrated.

The approach of "three years for raising dogs for three years" in the Jingyu Mining Area has quickly triggered controversy. Some netizens criticized this move "one -size -fits -all", simple and rude and unreasonable. If this rule is implementedconflict.