People familiar with the matter revealed that a group of foreign creditors in Evergrande in China required to obtain additional information about the company's nearly $ 2 billion (about S $ 2.765 billion) to explain how this real estate developer in trouble was inInvestors mortgage these funds without knowing it.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Evergrande announced the preliminary survey of missing funds for loan mortgages as a loan mortgage than last Friday (July 22).Evergrande also announced last week that due to these arrangements, Evergrande's long -term chief executive officer Xia Haijun and chief financial officer Pan Darong and four executives of Evergrande and his subsidiaries were fired.

The report quoted people familiar with the matter, but some creditors believed that the company did not fully explain how the funds were pledged to the bank without disclosing any form of investors.Funding was detained, they have not received any explanations.

A person familiar with the matter said that the largest batch of overseas creditors in Evergrande caused the company to provide more information, explaining which executives had direct responsibilities, and how the company's specific plans to compensate them for them to compensate them.Lost funds account for most of the cash of the subsidiary.These overseas creditors hold the guarantee debt supported by the assets of the subsidiary.

The continuous tension between Evergrande and its foreign creditors has highlighted that Evergrande has been in arrears of foreign debt for nearly eight months, it has always been difficult to meet investors' requirements for transparency. In addition, the company promises to be at the end of this month.Publish a restructuring plan.