Ant Group claims that in order to further strengthen the construction of the company's consumer protection governance mechanism, it has added board risk management and consumer rights protection committees.

According to, the Ant Group released the above news when the Ant Consumer Rights Protection was protected for the semi -annual report (referred to as the semi -annual report) in 2022, and emphasized that this was the role of continuously strengthening the role of the board of directors.An important part.

The Ant Group said that the board of directors of risk management and consumer rights protection of the board of directors has a specialized working institution under the board of directors.Corporate culture construction and business development strategies, guide the establishment and improvement of related work management systems and systems.

The semi -annual report disclosed that the special actions of Ant Group's consumer protection are mainly divided into four aspects: one is to take on platform responsibility, use artificial intelligence to identify fraud, gambling, and send rational consumption reminders, etcIn terms of service experience, online Alipay message brush is launched to provide home page red dot reminders to close choices, handle malicious marketing, and handle user complaints within 72 hours.Fourth, to strengthen data security and privacy protection, clarify data security standards such as merchants and service providers, and disclose the personal information list called by Alipay SDK privacy policy. quoted a person close to Ant Group that since the rectification work was launched, in addition to the rectification of financial business, improving corporate governance is also an important part of rectification work.For more than a year, Ant Group has adopted multiple measures to improve its corporate governance system, including continuously strengthening the role of the board of directors, expanding the scope of directors' performance, and introducing more external independent directors.

In terms of continuously strengthening the role of the board of directors, the Ant Group has established six subordinate professional committees to the currently set up. In addition to the risk management and consumer rights security committees, there are also audit committees, privacy protection and data security committees.

In terms of the structure of the director, the board of directors of Ant Group increased the number of independent directors to 50%in early June. From the non -executive directors of the shareholder Alibaba Group, the three were further reduced from three to two.

It is reported that isolation with major shareholders Alibaba Group and improving the independence of Ant Group is also an important aspect of Ant Group to improve corporate governance.

Alibaba 2022 FY 2022 shows that Jing Xiandong, chairman and chief executive officer of Ant Group, Ni Xingjun, Chief Technology Officer, Peng Yijie, Chief Sustainable Development Officer, Zeng Songbai, Chief Talent, and Wu Minzhi, senior vice president, Vice President Shao Wenlan and President Zhao Ying, President of the International Business Group, the management of the seven ant groups has withdrawn from the Alibaba Group's partnership team in the past fiscal year.

Alibaba recently revised the partnership agreement. According to the latest agreement, the partner should be the people of Alibaba Group. Therefore, from May 31, 2022partner.

Alibaba holds 33%of Ant Group's shares. Her Majesty's popular payment service Alipay can trace the e -commerce market of Alibaba.

The Chinese regulatory authorities suddenly stopped the Ant Group's listing plan in November 2020.The official then launched a high -pressure rectification of the Internet industry on the grounds that the capital disorderly expansion and the security of data protection.However, with the pressure of China's economy due to epidemic conditions, officials have recently released signals to relax supervision and support the platform economy.