In the latest meeting, the CCP's highest decision -making institution did not mention "striving to achieve the expected goal of economic and social development throughout the year", and instead emphasized "strive to achieve the best results", released the target of diluted economic growth under multiple pressures, and will be the goal of diluted economic growth.The center of gravity turned to a clear signal of stabilizing people's livelihood.

The Politburo of the Communist Party of China held a meeting under the official Chinese official Chinese official on Thursday (July 28).According to Xinhua News Agency, when deploying economic work in the second half of the year, the Politburo proposed that "strive to stabilize employment and stabilize prices, maintain economic operation in a reasonable range, and strive to achieve the best results."The "effort to achieve the annual economic and social development expectations" proposed by the Politburo meeting in April this year did not appear in the meeting content.

China official set a target of about 5.5 % of the economy at the beginning of this year, but the crown disease epidemic that was subsequently outbreak led to large -scale closed control in Shanghai and Beijing, and the economy was severely frustrated.The GDP (GDP) in the first half of this month increased by only 2.5 % year -on -year. Economists generally believe that China is not expected to achieve the annual economic growth goal.

The meeting reiterated that it is necessary to adhere to the "dynamic clearance", and the epidemic must be strictly controlled immediately.

Xie Dongming, director of the Research Director of the Greater China of Singapore Overseas Chinese Bank, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Chinese officials set a "double 5.5" target with an economic growth of about 5.5 % in March and the unemployment rate of urban surveys within 5.5 %.With the continued economic downward pressure, the decision -making layer may shift from "Double 5.5" to ensure the "single 5.5" from taking into account the "Double 5.5". With the main task of stabilizing people's livelihood, the tolerance of economic growth has also increased.

Wang Jun, director of the China Chief Economist Forum, analyzed in the interview that on the basis of releasing the target signal of economic growth, the official did not propose more incremental policies and expanding fiscal monetary policy arrangements.This means that strong stimulus measures such as the addition of special government bonds, increasing the rate of deficit, and even decentralizing the local bond quota next year may not be launched.The policy expansion is expected to be relatively restrained in the second half of the year, and it will focus on the implementation of policies that have been introduced in the first half of the year.

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang attended the World Economic Forum Global Entrepreneur Video Special Dialogue last week that China will not introduce oversized stimulus measures for over -high growth goals.China will insist on seeking truth from facts and doing their best, and strive to "reach a better level" throughout the year's economic development.

For the first time mentioned "Insurance Tower"

This meeting for the first half of the economic policy mentioned the first mention of the "insurance delivery", and rarely arranged the "stabilizing real estate market" before the "housing housing is not fried".degree.

Wang Jun judged that the Politburo Conference included the stabilized property market in the "keeping the safe bottom line" section, indicating that the current demand for the property market and the outbreak of loan outbreaks have revealed the signs that threatened economic security and social stability."In recent storms of bad tail buildings, the affected owners are mostly a group. If they cause malignant reactions, economic and social development will face severe challenges in the second half of the year.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a symposium on outside party people on the economic situation and economic work in the second half of the year yesterday.When Chinese officials spoke at the meeting, the participants would "unify their thoughts and actions into the analysis and judgment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the economic situation and the decision -making deployment of economic work."He also emphasized that China's development still has many strategic favorable conditions. As long as it maintains strategic determination and "firmly doing its own affairs", it can completely turn danger and danger.