Following the investigation of the dedication space in various places, the Chinese Buddhist Association once again stated that it will pay close attention to the construction of teaching style and promote comprehensive and strict education.

According to the news published by the WeChat account of the Chinese Buddhist Association on Wednesday (July 27), the "Concept and Traditional Seminar of Buddhism, Surprove and luxury of Buddhism" hosted by the Chinese Buddhist Association was held in Beijing on the same day.

The meeting aims to thoroughly study and implement the important exposition of the Communist Party's General Secretary Xi Jinping on religious work and the spirit of the National Religious Work Conference.In the concept and tradition of abstain from luxury, exchange the experience and practices of the education of the Buddhist circles to carry out the education of saving frugality and abstinence, pay close attention to the construction of teaching style, and promote comprehensive and strict education.

In his speech, the president of the Chinese Buddhist Association said that the bad incidents that harmed national interests and harmed national feelings in Xuanzang Temple in Nanjing made the Buddhist monks feel distressed.It was deeply painful and sounded the alarm for the Buddhist community in the country.

He reminded the Buddhist associations and the Buddhist circles in various places to be considered to be abstained, deeply reflected, and always stand firm, sober mind, clear banner, and maintain high degree of sensitivity and alertness on the issue of the big and wrong of the nation's righteousness.

He also said that with the courage of face -to -face problems, the spirit of courage to take responsibility, and the determination to scrape the poisoning, we must conscientiously implement the requirements of comprehensive and strict education, self -examination, actively rectify, and effectively strengthen the internal internal place of Buddhist activities.Management; the person in charge of the place must strengthen the study of political theory, improve the consciousness of patriotism and socialist ideology, improve the awareness of performing duties, and ensure that the management of the management in this site is safe and orderly in accordance with laws and regulations.

Master of Ajue Master requires that the monks must be the monks who are the monks, the temple must return to the pure temple, and Buddhism must become a Chinese Buddhist Buddhism that serves the country, the society, and the public.

People from the Buddhist circles in the meeting said that we must lead the Buddhist community to conduct in -depth investigations and standardize the special work of the establishment of the temple to establish a tablet.Sinicization of Buddhism is moving deeper.

After the incident of the Japanese war criminal tablet in Xuanzang Temple in Nanjing, Jiangsu, the Chinese Buddhist Association has issued a notice to conduct a comprehensive investigation and standardize the establishment of a tablet set of temples to the Buddhist Association of various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities on July 25.

The Chinese Buddhist Association requires Buddhist groups in various places to take the opportunity to comprehensively investigate and standardize the establishment of a tablet in the temple, and focus on solving the prominent problems that affect the health of Buddhist health, and effectively and comprehensively manage their education.

The National Religious Affairs Bureau of China has also issued a notice asking all localities to guide the religious community to learn lessons and carry out comprehensive self -inspection and rectification of religious activities.

The State Religious Affairs Bureau requires localities to strengthen the ideological leadership of the religious community, guide the religious community to continue to carry out patriotism, collectivism, socialist education, deepen the history of the party, the history of the new China, the history of reform and opening up, the societyThe history of the development of doctrine has effectively enhanced the national awareness, citizenship, and the rule of law of the religious circles to ensure that it is always sober on the issue of right and wrong and principles.