Sunday(July 24) The first scientific experimental cabin "Ask the sky", which was successfully launched, has been connected to the trading with the heavens and the core compartment combination.

According to China CCTV News, the Tianshi experimental cabin was successfully connected to the front of the Tianhe core compartment at 3:13 am on Monday (25th).This is the first space meeting and docking of the Chinese Space Station during the track.

Shenzhou 14 Aerospace officer multiplied by group will then enter the questioning compartment of Wen Tian.

Equipped with the Long March 5 of the Wentian Experimental Class No. 5 and the carrier rocket, and at 2:22 pm on Sunday, it was launched at the Wenchang Space Space launcher.More than eight minutes later, I asked the sky to be separated from the Rockets and enter the scheduled track.

The successful launch in Hainan means that China further moves the goal of building the "Tiangong" space station and the national space laboratory at the end of the year.

Chinese military commentator Song Zhongping said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post earlier that the successful launch of the sky is of great significance.The core compartment docking also lay a good foundation for the completion of the space station.

Song Zhongping also predicts that China and the United States will inevitably increase the space game in the future. In the West, the West may also rendering the problems such as the wreckage of Chinese carrier rockets.